How To Maintain A Healthy Relationship As A Band With The Nickajack Men

Keith Cullen
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2018

A lot of successful artists nowadays are formed as a duo or band and find their musical inspirations with each other. Establishing this connection can happen naturally, especially when friendship and successful working relationships are your foundation. When you meet the right people and agree to collaborate as a group, there comes a time when you have to figure out how to maintain relationships on and off the stage.

Meet the five-piece Rock n Roll band called The Nickajack Men. Having influences like The Alabama Shakes, Delta Spirit, and The Districts, the young group decided to become songwriter’s themselves. The Nickajack Men soon started selling out shows after debuting their single “Gordo” back in July 2016 at the King Tuts Wah Wah Hut in Glasgow, Scotland. On top of gaining a mass fan base, the band has been crowned with awards like the Best Alternative/Indie Act in 2016 and earned Best Song in the same year for their single “Hurricane” at the Alternative Music Awards. The bands’ dynamic and relationship must be a crucial factor in succeeding. Read about The Nickajack Men as we talk to them about their endeavors and their business relationships with each other on and off stage.

The Nickajack Men via Facebook

What stage is the group in your career and how long have you been creating music?

We have been playing and writing with each other for the past three years. Currently, we have been playing gigs up and done the country in small venues and just shredding hard.

What was the moment the group realized you had to pursue music as a career? How did it feel, was it scary, what steps did you take to get started?

I don’t think there was a defining moment. We all just started playing together and the more gigs we have done, the more we wanted to keep going and progress. It wasn’t scary at all; we just loved playing music to anyone that would see us. At first, we just started it for fun, and people seemed to enjoy it, which is great because it gives you momentum to keep doing it.

In the midst of achieving your artist career goals, what’s the journey been like?

We’ve had a few sold out shows in Glasgow in the past couple of years. Playing to a sold-out audience in Glasgow always keeps you on your toes and keeps the bug alive. The crowds are great, and it makes the performance stronger when you can feed off of an electric audience.

How important is clear and effective communication to the group dynamics?

It’s essential, although we are all close friends so have never had any issues with communication or being upfront with each other.

How do you maintain group moral when you’re making music and performing?

We are all so close that has never really been an issue, just making music we are all into and getting better individually and as a band and working together is enough to keep everyone on the same wavelength.

Was there a time when making music and performing together was a challenging experience?

We have always gelled from the start so regarding playing together it has always been pretty natural.

Are there any specific messages you’re trying to convey with your music? If so, how do you all decide on the direction of your songs?

We are just trying to provide Rock n Roll that people can enjoy and try to put the emphasis on ‘giving’ as strong a live performance as possible.

Has there ever been a time where your relationships have been affected by your choice of chasing your dream?

Thankfully not. We still love what we do and don’t want to change in the near future.

Is there any advice you would give to emerging groups that you’ve learned along the way while working together?

Stick to what you love. Don’t change to try and impress others or fit in with a scene.

Watch Official Music Video “Running” by The Nickajack Men:

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Keith Cullen
Thrive Global

LA Based Irish Singer/Songwriter. Founding artist at @Steereo. Passionate about health & wellness.