From Mind Full to Mindful

Take a conscious leap.

Thrive Global
3 min readMay 27, 2017


(Via ConsciousLeap)

We’d like you to stop for a moment.




Give yourself a few minutes to use this pattern to breathe (via

Do you feel better, after doing this activity?

Trace your way back in the recent past and ask yourself when you last felt calm. With the demanding reality and stresses of the world we live in, it may seem like a distant memory.

Our minds are at unrest. There’s no break from routine. We’re burning out, and don’t know how to live ‘life’ differently.

We’re hyper-competitive, fast-paced individuals biting off more than we can chew leading to a proverbial, nay, almost existential, indigestion.

What if we told you we know how to change the frequency with which you approach life as it is to combat the inevitable burnout?

Image courtesy of Unsplash

The solution is to give your mind a break. Switch from a full mind to being mindful.

Being mindful simply requires us to become aware of ourselves and our surroundings in the moment. When one puts thought and effort into identifying what is happening in the ‘now’, our experience towards the external stimulus switches from a reaction to a response, as we become more accepting of our situation. This helps keep toxic emotions and destructive patterns at bay, and we’re enabled to take better control of life.

Rearrange priorities. Assess your daily schedule and identify which are your peak stress-points throughout the day. Fit in a mindful activity around that time.

Find yourself with little or no time in your busy schedule? Make sure to give yourself 5-minute slots during lunch or between meetings to switch off from everything else to give yourself a moment to gather yourself to recharge and energize. Do this as frequently as possible.

Have a hobby you’ve never pursued, or not pursued enough? Give yourself the opportunity to go all out to explore that avenue.

Being mindful is not limited to meditation or breathing exercises. Being in the ‘now’ during any activity can significantly improve your experience and heal you in ways you could never imagine. You can do any of these activities with complete focus and peace of mind to be in rhythm with yourself. Give yourself the privilege of your own time for any of these salutary indulgences:

  • Eating
  • Drinking Water
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Trekking/Hiking
  • Painting
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Playing games
  • Learning an instrument
  • Listening to music

Such seemingly mundane yet essential activities are often underrated in their effects. Make you happy. Make You Happen. Take the ConsciousLeap.

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Thrive Global

Avant-garde multi-media platform. Take the ConsciousLeap to #makeyouhappen, manifest your dreams.