How Women Are Leading the Charge for Wellness in the Workplace

And how Thrive Global is helping them do it.

Sarah Morse
Thrive Global
2 min readJun 5, 2017


Burnout is a modern day epidemic affecting professionals around the world. It’s a serious problem, but as the consequences of our success-at-any-cost culture become obvious, more companies are taking steps to put their employees’ well-being first. And as a new piece in AdWeek explains, Arianna Huffington and Thrive Global are helping make sure the anti-burnout movement spreads.

According to AdWeek, U.S. companies lose roughly $300 billion in revenue due to stress and burnout related costs each year. These losses, according to AdWeek writer T.L. Stanley, include “missed workdays, healthcare bills, on-the-job accidents and attrition.”

Though stress and burnout plague both men and women, the importance of promoting well-being in the workforce is a conversation that seems to be female-led. Arianna says this is because women have been battling these issues for decades. “There are some incredibly enlightened men leading the way,” Huffington told AdWeek. “But women have seen firsthand the toll that stress takes. They’ve traditionally paid a heavier price.”

Thrive Global has already partnered with companies including Accenture, SAP North America, and JPMorgan Chase to bring well-being tools and resources into their workplaces. While many companies choose to ignore to the costs of employee stress, Ellyn Shook, chief leadership and human resources officer at Accenture, recognizes the importance of creating a dialogue that addresses stress in the workplace. “Women are speaking out and being leaders on this front, which is exactly what needs to happen to not just move the dial but to accelerate real change,” Shook told AdWeek.

Accenture’s partnership with Thrive Global aims to “end the collective assumption that burnout is the cost of success,” Shook said. Accenture’s work culture will now “focus on the whole person so that our people can be at their best personally and professionally,” Shook said.

Read more about Thrive Global’s efforts to end burnout culture in AdWeek.

