If You Failed…Go Back Again

KM Johnson Davis
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2017


I believe it is human nature to give up too soon. Instead of taking the time to understand why a situation has resulted in the way that it did, we will often take the easy road and begin to blame ourselves immediately. For some this makes them feel as if they are taking responsibility for the situation and have total control over it for any future encounters.

For others, while they may not blame themselves, they will blame others or their lack of resources or even experience. Unfortunately, neither of these are the “best” approach. I’ve been both of those people and sadly it did not change my situation.

Do any of these situations sound like you? Y0u tried to climb the mountain, but half way up you started to feel sick so you had to turn around. You began your diet, but you received too many invitations to event that eventually you had to stop your diet. You applied for that dream job, but after 10 rejection letters you finally realized maybe this isn’t for you….

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Sometimes we begin to feel incapable of doing certain things because we have yet to be successful at it. Stop for a minute and ask yourself,

“Is it that I don’t have the capability to do it or is it that I don’t actually want to do it?”

There’s a big difference in the two situations. Either you lack the capability or you simply have no desire. Sometimes we procrastinate not because we don’t like doing the “work” but possibly because we have come to believe we are incapable of doing it or we feel we lack the knowledge to complete it.

What if I told you that the reason you have been struggling with one particular area in your life is simply because you told yourself you could not do it? Or because you began to believe what someone told you?

How many times have you heard someone say, “It’s ok, I know that’s not your strong point.” And deep in the pit of your stomach you felt a twinge because you knew you had the skill set but every time you would attempt the matter you seemed to fail.

I’ve come to realize that there are some things we really are genuinely “good” at but we can never excel at them because somewhere down the line we have convinced ourselves that it’s not for us and we gave up on them. My challenge to you today, would be for you to reflect on those things that you’ve given up on yourself completing or even attempting to try.

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Some of those things will honestly be in your weak area and you will have categorized them correctly. However, as you reflect, you will begin to see some areas in your life where you should have place a “?” mark. These are the areas that you misidentified. These are the places where you allowed yourself and others to tell you to give up. These are the places where I say to you, “Go back again!”

Once these items are laid out in front of you, I’m sure you will begin to see a pattern. They may be in the same area, such, as finance or they may have been placed in that erroneous category during the same period of your life. Whatever it is, find it now and you will be one step ahead on your journey.

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KM Johnson Davis
Thrive Global

Leadership + Success Speaker, US Army Vet. I teach entrepreneurs + business leaders how to do Life, Business + Faith By Design™ | https://kmjohnsondavis.com |