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Living a Great Life: Why Chasing ‘More’ Isn’t Always the Answer


We live in a world that glorifies the pursuit of ‘more.’ More wealth, more possessions, more achievements, and more experiences often seem to be the markers of a successful life. But is this relentless pursuit of ‘more’ the key to living a great life or is this just an endless pursuit of something unachievable? Let’s dive a little deeper.

The Myth of More

It’s easy to fall into the trap of equating success with the quantity of one’s possessions or accomplishments. We’ve all seen the glossy advertisements and the enviable social media posts that seem to scream, ‘More is better!’ But when we stop and reflect, it becomes evident that this outward ‘more’ doesn’t always lead to inward satisfaction. Always chasing for ‘More’ is like being on a never-ending treadmill, there’s never going to be an end you’ll reach.

Redefining Success

Living a great life isn’t only about amassing wealth or chasing accolades. It’s about finding a balance between striving for improvement and cherishing what we have in the moment. It’s about defining success on our terms, which may be much simpler and more attainable than we’ve been led to believe. Consider the successful life you want to live if no one were to know what your life would look like — Would you still buy that Porsche? Would you still travel to Paris?

The Power of Enough

The concept of ‘enough’ can be a powerful tool in our quest for a meaningful life. Knowing when we have enough allows us to shift our focus from mindless accumulation to mindful appreciation. It encourages us to derive joy and satisfaction from what we have rather than always seeking the next ‘more.’ Take a moment to appreciate what you have today, because that was likely the ‘More’ you were going after 1 year ago.

Cultivating Contentment

Contentment doesn’t mean complacency. It means recognizing our blessings, appreciating our journey, and deriving joy from the present. It’s about valuing experiences over possessions, relationships over accolades, and personal growth over societal expectations.

Fostering Gratitude

Gratitude is the antidote to the insatiable desire for more. It helps us focus on what we have instead of what we lack, fostering a sense of abundance that cannot be bought or achieved. It’s the practice of seeing the good in our lives, thereby enriching our experiences and enhancing our well-being.

Appreciate more to live a great life

In the end, living a great life is not about the relentless pursuit of ‘more.’ It’s about knowing what truly matters to us, appreciating what we have, and cultivating a sense of gratitude and contentment. So let’s shift our focus from chasing more to cherishing more of what we already have.

Rybo Chen is an ICF certified coach with a unique background in corporate and personal transformation. He focuses on empowering the next generation of leaders. Having worked with diverse young professionals around the globe, his mission is to guide you to reach new heights, unleash potential, and build a life of purpose and joy. Embark on this journey with Rybo and discover how to build your wealthy future, uniquely designed by you.



Rybo Chen | ICF Certified Professional Coach

Leadership & Life Coach on a mission to help young professionals create meaningful lives.