Low Self-Worth Masked as Overconfidence

Or why you should feel empathy for people like Trump

Mateja Klaric
Thrive Global
Published in
5 min readMar 2, 2017


Photo: Christopher-Windus (Unsplash)

Leading a satisfying life

Having a healthy sense of self-worth means you are a well-balanced person neither too sensitive to criticism, not too dependent on praise. Confident people feel comfortable in their skin. They do not look down on anyone and they do not feel threatened by those who know or earn more.

People with healthy self-esteem are content and satisfied with themselves. They do not obsess over becoming famous or climb the corporate ladder only to prove themselves to others. They know they are exactly where they need to be and desire no more than that.

Truly confident people set goals that feel right for them. They do not crave attention, they do not create drama, they do not wish to become famous for the sake of being famous, they just do their own thing and enjoy doing it.

Not everyone is so lucky

While having self-esteem is a blessing, the lack of it could be seen as a curse. People who lack it are never happy and content with who they are. They are in constant need of approval and admiration since their sense of self-worth is not internal, but depends on what others think.

