Meaning Of Her Happy Life — Serving Others

Roshan Bhondekar
Thrive Global
Published in
4 min readJan 2, 2018

She Lived For Serving Others

Everybody wants to make a great life. We want to live in grand homes, buy fancy jewelry, earn tons of money etc. That is a definition of good life by many. But in this rat race of achieving materialistic things, a man forgets about others around himself. According to Shruti Pandit: A meaningful life is the life lived in the service of others and for helping others especially those who belong to poor strata of the society.

Shruti during national level conference as an host

She is having an opinion, that society has given us many things like education, food, money etc. So, it is our moral duty and responsibility to give back to the society whatever we have got from it. There is a large section of people in our society who are living under pathetic conditions, who hardly get a square meal everyday and have no access to education. She believes that change in society can only happen if each and everyone of us contribute our bit to make society a better place to live in.

Shruti with young talents from urban area

Not everyone can do everything but each of us can do something to make society a better especially for poor and needy people. With this intent to make a small difference in the world, Shruti decided to contribute for betterment of the society by whatever she could do at her level.

Shruti while addressing NGO

She works as an IT Engineer at an MNC but whenever she gets a chance she visits NGOs and contribute by delivering lectures on various topics to students from weaker section of the society. Till date she has worked with various NGOs,schools and colleges with the intent of helping kids.

Engineering students with Shruti during conference

“Children are future of any country and it is imperative that they should be attended well and should be exposed to right kind of learning environment where they can nurture their skills and knowledge.” She recalls. That’s why she visited Children’s Home in Umerkhedi, Mumbai along with an NGO multiple times to spend time with orphan kids and celebrate various festivals like Independence Day and Christmas with them to add colors to their life on joyous occasions along with other volunteers.

Shruti as a speaker during college events in Mumbai

She has visited multiple engineering colleges in Mumbai and M.P. till date to impart training on honing communication skills to students from economically weaker section of the society. The training were received quite well by one and all. She thinks that students from this section of the society are powerhouse of talent, all they need is proper direction and guidance to do well in their lives. Her training help students in this regard. The colleges where she has conducted training are Sandesh College in Vikhroli (Mumbai),Mahtama Phule Arts,Science and Commerce College, Panvel and JIT Engineering College in Borawan (M.P.).

Besides this she conducted training for girls for an NGO as apart of Tata Volunteering Week on how to face interviews confidently. It was appreciated by the audience and received good feedback.She believes that women can be empowered by making themselves financially independent.She also happened to conduct sessions at Tata Strive on how to communicate at workplace. Tata STRIVE, an initiative of Tata Community Initiatives Trust, and the first Group CSR program, addresses the pressing need of skill development for India’s youth for employment, entrepreneurship and community enterprise. It reaches to communities, develops skills of people from financially challenged backgrounds and acclimatizes them with the changing work environment.

Shruti while organizing the skill development programs for youths

She has taught in schools of thane as well and Colleges like DJ Sanghavi to make students aware of career opportunities that lie ahead of them. She ran half and full marathons to support this cause of education which is close to her heart.

She signs off with message:-

“Volunteering is not an effort to change lives of other people.In the process of volunteering you are changed forever.So, go out and volunteer for a great cause today.Your life won’t be same again.”



Roshan Bhondekar
Thrive Global

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