Presents … and Presence

Wishing Us Both, This Holiday And Beyond

alison goldwyn
Thrive Global
2 min readDec 17, 2018


When the Mandala blows …

The world seems to tremble with Infinite Fury…

As people and planet are feeling the worry …

To clean up their lands –

To clean up their seas –

To clean up their act –

Before it all leaves.

From Leaders of Nations and Climate Deniers …

To Refugee victims and MeToo survivors …

From Kingdoms of wealth and Poverty plight-ers …

To forests and sea life and innocent bystanders …

Everyone’s breathing the same toxic air,

Which is taxing our tolerance, temperance, and care.

A global dysfunctional family of nations,

All flummoxed and fighting in deepened frustration,

Are living together on one spit of earth,

Which whirls through Infinity searching for Worth.

If Civilisation is facing extinction …

And cultural richness has reached its completion …

And small human moments of epochs and ages …

Are wrapped in a fadeout with no further traces …

Then what’s this Mandala we’ve crafted since eons,

Which gave our Humanity reasons for Being?

All of its intricate beauties and hardships …

All of its bounties and brilliance and hardships …

All of its courage and humour and hardships …

All of its fantasies, discoveries, hardships …

All of its wanderings, wonderings, hardships …

All of its longings and lovings and hardships …

All of its species and courtships and hardships …

All of it goes when the Mandala blows.

Love something, Planet Person.

