Renew Your Attitude With An Amplitude Of Gratitude: Champion and Cultivate The Ultimate Lifestyle Of Health And Happiness.

Marina Rose, QDNA®
Thrive Global
Published in
5 min readNov 22, 2017
Photo © Geribody/BigStock

The most beautiful and precious byproduct of the power of Positive Passion is that it guilds a deep golden path of gratitude in our lives. Journeying on this voyage a person is able to dive into the infinite gentle, nurturing pond of self love and self care, empowering the regulating dance of the happy joyous gene expression, inviting balanced health into one’s life on a cellular DNA level.

Some of the essential indispensable ingredients of manifesting the ultimate lifestyle of health and happiness are having an organic aptitude for gratitude, appreciation, pleasure, joy and working towards our dreams, our goals.

Gratitude and appreciation go hand in hand. The more gratitude you have the more everything you want you will have. The word gratitude comes from the Latin word gratia, meaning “favor” and gratis, meaning “pleasing”. At times it also means the three “G’s” grace, graciousness, or gratefulness.

All connections from this Latin root embody kindness, generous, gifts, the beauty of giving and receiving, or getting something for nothing. When we feel grateful, we radiate a light energy of gratefulness and graciousness and we are moved to share the goodness we have received with others.

Research has shown that gratitude directly fosters social support and it is able protect people from stress and depression. It is able to accomplish this because gratitude is perhaps the quintessential positive psychological trait, as it involves a life orientation toward the positive in the world.

Gratitude has a positive energy. Positive energy has an expansive energy for health and well being. With regards to epigenetics imagine your body being a human petri dish. Now imagine each cell is like a miniature human being in your body and all of your cells are all talking to each other. Now imagine all of your cells are bathing in this light healthy expansive energy of gratitude. Your body is having a “Gratitude Love Fest”. Now in this wildly positively charged energy field that your cells are basking in each negatively mutated cell of disease can be changed turned into a healthy cell. Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, states in his book, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles, “Frontier Science has proven positive thoughts have a profound effect on behavior and genes but only when they are in harmony with subconscious programming.”

Robert A. Emmons, PhD, Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Davis, states, “Those who practice gratitude tend to be more creative, bounce back more quickly from adversity and have a stronger immune system.” Living in gratitude allows you to focus on what you want to achieve instead of what you are missing.

Gratitude is one of the most energetically, forceful, supreme emotional weapons that we can use in our lives to our advantage. It is the accelerated, stealth, graceful game changer for wealth, health and happiness. In the realm of quantum physics, observing something actually influences the physical processes taking place. Being mindful with focused meditation on gratitude will allow you to resonate with it, meaning live it and be it, therefore attracting more in your life. Utilizing the Law of Cause and Effect, Health attracts health. Happiness attracts happiness. Wealth attracts wealth. Love attracts love.

Emotion is energy in motion. Gratitude creates a positive energetic magnetic force magnetizing to you what you want, what you love and what you enjoy. Researchers have discovered that people who kept gratitude journals exercised more regularly, reported fewer physical symptoms, they felt better about their lives as a whole, and were more optimistic.

Neale Donald Walsch, the author of the Conversations with God series, said it best, “The struggle ends when gratitude begins.”

At the University of Pennsylvania, psychologist Martin E. P. Seligman did research in the field of positive psychology on 411 volunteers. Happiness came flooding in with high scores when people were asked to write and personally deliver a letter of gratitude to a person they had never properly thanked for his or her kindness. The outpouring of happiness was larger and greater from that than any other intervention, with benefits lasting a month.

There is so much power in having a love affair with gratitude.

Become a Curator of Gratitude. Here are 27 Steps to Learn How to Cultivate Gratitude

01. Tell people how much you appreciate them.

02. Tell yourself how much you appreciate yourself.

03. Thank people verbally for everything they do for you.

04. Thank yourself for everything you do for yourself.

05. Write thank you cards, notes and including the digital versions.

06. Practice Mindfulness for yourself and others.

07. Exercise to thank your body for being your temple.

08. Eat healthy food to give thanks, appreciation, gratitude and love to your body and mind.

09. Count and acknowledge the positive blessings that you have in your life.

10. Have gratitude and appreciation for your dreams and your goals.

11. Be grateful every time you reach one of your goals, even if it’s a mini goal leading towards your large target goal.

12. Recite Mantras of Gratitude & Appreciation.

13. Do Focused Meditation on Gratitude & Appreciation.

14. Write a Gratitude Journal.

15. Stop being Ungrateful.

16. Stop Complaining.

17. Stop being a Victim.

18. Read Inspirational & Motivational Quotes and Material.

19. Make a Gratitude Vision Board.

20. Have Gratitude and Appreciation for everything you have in your life now.

21. Show people how important they are in your life and in other people’s lives.

22. Learn to Receive Gratitude and Appreciation from others.

23. Learn to feel Worthy & Deserving of Praise, Appreciation and Gratitude from others.

24. Be Grateful that people love having your in their lives.

25. Be Grateful for Who You Are.

26. Have Gratitude for Everything You Have Achieved in Your Life.

27. Be Grateful for Your Health.

Celebrate Who You Are. Celebrate Your Life. Celebrate Self Care Every Day.

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Article Originally published at Mallika Chopra Intent December , 16, 2015 & Huffington Post June 24, 2016.



Marina Rose, QDNA®
Thrive Global

Founder, QDNA® Quantum DNA Acceleration®, a revolutionary new technique for quantum growth in health, life and business.