SCARED! Do It Anyway

Tarinna Olley
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2017

FEAR! This small little word can change the trajectory of your life it you let it. Years ago I attended a conference and someone stated that FEAR was false evidence appearing real. Now, there are some things that will terrify you. Natural disasters, a sudden illness, harm to your child and much more. That is not the fear I am references. I am talking about the fear of the unknown. That very thing that prevents you from reaching a set goal or a dream. Fear can choke the very life out of you. There are millions of people who stay in the comfort zones of their lives and never take a risk. I implore you to take a risk and see what’s on the other side.

I believe we only get one life on this side before we transition from the Earth. So we must take advantage of opportunities and create opportunities. Regrets are plentiful in many deceased hearts because they never took a chance to do what they desired. That does not have to be you!

Fear can prevent you from focusing on some many things. I have identified a few areas where fear has demobilized forward motion and progress.

  1. Loving again- many have wounded hearts from a break up of a relationship and they are afraid to open up their hearts to love again. Emotional wounding is real but you can heal and recover
  2. Career moves-many will not take professional risks due to fear. Don’t get complacent. Expand your career options.
  3. Starting a business/entrepreneurship-live out loud. Don’t let your dreams die. You can be your own boss.
  4. Trusting again-hurt is an inevitable part of life. Every human being will not betray you. Build up your coping skills.
  5. Allowing your children to become independent- Let your children experience life but still guide them. Children will grow into adults so they must learn how to do things on their own.

I use to wrestle with fear and sometimes I still do. But I have incorporated some healthy steps in my life to help me conquer my fears. I call them FEAR BUSTERS! These steps I use help me immensely. You can knock out fear!

You Can Knock Out Fear!

Fear Buster Steps

Step 1-Dismiss fear from your thoughts. Speak every word that is opposite of fear

Step 2-Have a support circle to support you when fear attempts to deter you

Step 3-Take deep breaths, mediate, and relax when the body becomes tense due to fear

Step 4-Do it anyway, take a jump and leap into action!!!!!



Tarinna Olley
Thrive Global

Tarinna is a counselor, poet, author, writer @thriveglobal speaker, trainer, and global leader. Tarinna is dedicated to helping people live better lives.