Mother and son @ eobrazy

What to Expect When You’re Expecting Your Adult Child To Move Home

They believed you when you said, “I’ll always be there for you.”

Sandy Peckinpah
Thrive Global
Published in
10 min readMay 15, 2018


I left home at 16 to tour with a musical show, (took high school on the road), returned when I was 18 to graduate, then left again at 19, never returning to the nest again.

That’s the way I thought it would be with my own children. Once they graduated and went on to college, I could enjoy their visits and watch them become the people I always dreamed they would be.

I passionately loved being a mother, but having spread my four children so far apart, I was still changing diapers and reading bedtime stories to my baby when my oldest was 16. I added another to the family when my youngest son’s best friend came to live with us. Unexpectedly, I became a single mom for a huge portion of my children’s lives.

In 2010, when I dropped my last child off at Long Beach State, I celebrated. I had done it. I’d delivered all of my kids to the land of adulthood.

I had moments of “empty nest blues,” but mostly I welcomed this new chapter of life by reclaiming the focus on my life. I worked on building my business, began writing again, and discovered the bliss of long baths with a glass of red wine.

Then the…



Sandy Peckinpah
Thrive Global

Write to be happy. Author, Blogger, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, on Medium since 2016.