Stay Authentic In A Media Frenzy Industry With The Delta Mode

Keith Cullen
Thrive Global
Published in
5 min readOct 16, 2018

We live in a media frenzy world as recording artists are expected to give the world inside view of who we are both on and off stage. The technology that exists could really take a toll for those who are behind the screen. Since artists are in the spotlight consistently, the option of steering to something that is trending to be accepted could easily occur. In the midst of doing that, their true intention or authenticity could get lost. For this reason, we decided to talk to artists who collectively together stay true and discuss how to overcome those temptations.

The Delta Mode is a trio that is careless for the titles and genres. Their distinctive passion for making music is sufficient as they breakthrough the mainstream styles and blend them all to one. Right after debuting their first EP titled “Wake Up,” they charted at #2 on Beatport and racked over 15k views on Youtube with their single “Deja Vu.” Since The Delta Mode have been in the scene since 2015, the trio has gotten a grip of what it means to remain true to their roots and personality. Along with captivating the audience’s attention with their industrious live and DJ sets, they have intellectual insights about the business. We recently had an interview with Danny from The Delta Mode. He has been one of the original pioneers of the trio and is the head producer and vocalist. As a veteran in the business, we wanted to get his take on what it means to stay true in today’s media.

CC: The Delta Mode

Tell us about you. What’s your name, where are you from, what type of music do you make.

We’re The Delta Mode from Hamburg, Germany and we make music that we love. We don’t just love one genre though. Coming from the metal world, we’re really open, but most people would consider us an EDM act.

What stage are you in your career and how long have you been publishing music?

We are considered up and coming, although I have a history of playing in metal bands, touring and releasing music on big labels, switching to another genre in this industry means you start at zero. The Delta Mode was born in 2015 by me, my brothers Eric, and Thomas. We have been releasing music since then but it wasn’t until 2017 when our track “Lonesome Rider” landed on bigger labels like Lowly Palace/Trapnation that put us on the EDM landscape. In 2018 is when RADD joined the team as a female vocalist.

Tell us how it came about the three of you coming together to form The Delta Mode?

Eric and I are brothers. Eric does music videos and worked with RADD on another project. Eric told her about The Delta Mode, she came over to the studio, recorded a song, and went from there.

Based on where you are now can you describe what the journey has been like to date.

It’s a tough ride, the industry is very competitive nowadays. However, it’s all worth it. The second you get on a stage you feel the energy and love from the audience.

Watch ‘Good Vibes (No Drama)’ Official Music Video by The Delta Mode:

What encourages you guys to remain authentic to your music and yourselves versus trying to ‘fit in?’

It’s important to think out of the box and try out new things for us. We could never be a band like AC/DC. We love them, but playing that one style for 30 years or more wouldn’t keep our excitement up. We love new sounds, new ideas but we also love old sounds. It’s a great time we’re living in because you have so many things accessible from the past that you could easily invent new styles every day. It’s what keeps us excited and going.

Do you find any kind of challenges while trying to remain authentic? If so, how?

The music industry somehow requires you to look left and right for new trends, but also to be unique. There is a certain struggle for staying true to yourself but at the same time fulfill the requirements the music industry has. It can be done though, we’re a great example for artists who dare to do many different things under one umbrella. If we love it, we do it.

Do you see any kind of effect living in the digital age as artists- negative or positive?

It’s so easy to reach people nowadays but it’s also a challenge to keep their attention. There is so much content out there that a lot of people don’t work with anymore to dig for new music. For example, it’s common to just listen to Spotify’s trending playlist of New Music Friday. Up and coming artists have a very hard time being heard by a bigger audience. The positive side though is that you don’t need labels anymore to release your own music, but it has also gotten very hard to be heard if you don’t have the support by the big guys.

Since we are surrounded so much by a media frenzy, how do you guys make sure to not let the negatives affect your creative process?

Turn it off and never forget where you’re coming from. People tend to lose connection with themselves with all the information that people receive from the outside world. It’s important to listen to yourself once in a while. We only get the extremes from social media- war, sex, beauty, death, and luxury. It’s important to find your inner balance and find back to your center. We practice Yoga every morning although this sounds a little cliché- but it’s very important to have rituals in your life other than staring at your phone.

For artists who are reading this and are struggling with not allowing social media or the media affect who they are, what is the best advice you can give them based off of your experience?

Find times during the day when you are not available for no other information other than your own thoughts and feelings can reach you. It’s a great idea to find an activity that helps you to (re)connect with yourself.

Tell us about any new or upcoming projects your working on that your excited about.

We just finished shooting 3 new videos in Los Angeles for our upcoming releases. One of them features Clio Cadence, also a former rock singer. She is only 17 years old but she really knows how to rock. We also have a collaboration with a country singer from Nashville named Charlie Rogers that we are super stoked about. We can’t wait to hit the festivals next year!

Want to know more? Listen to The Delta Mode’s 99% Podcast Below:

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Keith Cullen
Thrive Global

LA Based Irish Singer/Songwriter. Founding artist at @Steereo. Passionate about health & wellness.