Still Searching For Your Calling? Here’s The Solution.

Emma Jane Fry
Thrive Global
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2017
Photo by Mike Wilson

If you still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up or you’re transitioning into a new decade of life, reflecting on your choices and wondering where it’s all going, here’s the solution.

Give yourself a break.

Then give your attention to one of the following.

1: Redefine Success

We’re all born with the ability to make spectacular mistakes, you’re not alone, messing up is not unique to you. The most inspiration people I’ve met on my travels have messed up on every level imaginable, often publicly, often more than once. The solution, aim to fail spectacularly at as many things as possible in order to re-define what success means.

2: Don’t Try To Identify Your Purpose

Your calling or your multiple callings, whatever the case may be does not have to be condensed into a single statement, it’s not an elevator pitch. For many people, including myself, my calling or my reason for being here is a feeling that doesn’t need to be understood on an intellectual level. Recognise that it will probably shift and change form throughout your life, let that be ok. The Solution, don’t be bullied into a way of thinking that doesn’t feel right to you.

3: Keep Your Promises to Yourself

Doing more and more does NOT indicate you’re adding more value to the world, it probably means some blisters and that locking yourself in the bathroom for sixty seconds in an attempt to scoff down a brownie in peace equates to self care. The solution, look for balance between the promises you make to others and those you make to yourself.

4: Don’t Follow Someone Else’s Dream

You can’t please everyone and if you try you’ll probably loose you’re roadmap. When you feel restless and want to be part of something, it’s easy to want something tangible to put all your energy into but if you begin to dread Monday morning’s, it’s time to take note. The solution, ask yourself what doesn’t feel like work to you and take baby steps towards making that your reality.

5: Find Your Tribe

Trying to do everything alone is the key to staying stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed. Health, wellness, lifestyle goals, the whole experience of being human — it’s a team sport. The solution, if you feel like you can’t find your tribe, create one.

Emma is a travelling Health Coach and storyteller on two wheels, she also loves a good sunrise. You can find entertaining articles and updates over here.



Emma Jane Fry
Thrive Global

Travelling Health Coach. Story teller on two wheels. Loves a good sunrise.