Take Control Of Your Career With Alternative Hip-Hop Artist StealthR

Keith Cullen
Thrive Global
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2018

Taking leadership in your career brings forward a lot of benefits for a hardworking artist. Though at the initial steps, your world could feel mindboggling especially when others tend to feel entitled to tell you what to do. On top of that, when your experience is not up to par, self-doubt about taking control could appear. Rest assured, note that there are countless artists with trial and error, they learn to take control of their passion and conquer it all. If you want to take the lead and take control, it helps to hear it from someone with experience to learn how to do it.

StealthR is an independent artist that embraces his past mistakes. The rapper and lyricist is a Hip-Hop artist who is a strong believer of manifestation. Having that kind of determination, StealthR has accomplished releasing breakthrough singles, music videos, and performing in front of audiences. We chose the young artist to talk about taking control of your career since he constantly preaches not giving up and continuing to try is the answer.

CC: StealthR

Tell us about you. What’s your name, where are you from, what type of music do you make.

My name is StealthR, I’m from Hamburg Germany and live in the San Fernando Valley- I make Alternative Hip-Hop.

What stage are you in your career and how long have you been publishing music?

I am in the stage where I’m opening for other artists and looking to get on tour opening with my favorite musicians. I am also spending on collaborations to feature some of my favorite artists. I’ve been publishing music for about 3–4 years.

When was the moment you decided it was time to pursue your music career?

The moment I felt it was time to pursue my music career was four years ago right before I was going to leave for the military.

Based on where you are now can you describe what the journey has been like to date.

It has been crazy. I started recording in my closet then suddenly recording at professional studios. My initial wishes were to open for some of my favorite artists such as Wreckonize from ¡Mayday! on Strange music, Rittz or Warren G to DIPSET. You really can manifest anything so I look forward to what the future holds.

What kind of challenges have you faced since you started? And, how did you overcome them?

Well, one of the biggest challenges was getting better at my craft along with everyone saying “You’ll never be a rapper bro, just stop”. It takes time to develop your style and the skills of songwriting, along with your ability to deliver on the microphone along with your voice. I overcame all those obstacles by being patient and attentive to doing what I love, and the rest just fell into place.

Watch StealthR Official Music Video- Speed:

Being an independent artist, what benefits exists by taking ownership of your career?

The benefit is being able to reap the credit, respect, and the profit from your services to your audience. Selling merchandise is one thing but getting love from people you do not know after stepping off stage is one of the most significant rewards I’m looking forward to continuing in having. Being independent is cool, but I want that signature.

How important do you think it is for artists not to give themselves such a hard time when mistakes have been made?

Mistakes are the most crucial part of an artist learning curb development. Without making mistakes- how will you ever become a professional? I’d tell any artist that struggles or stresses on making mistakes that they should embrace failure because it will harden and shape them for the better.

For artists who are frightened to step up and take control of their career, what advice can you give them based on your experience?

If you don’t try and try and try, you’ll never move forward.

Are there any practices you partake in currently that assists with keeping a thriving outlook? If so, what are they?

Stay positive and stay around positive people. Your momentum will increase the more you surround yourself around those that are as driven as you! Don’t allow the negative to rule your actions or ruin your drive and ambition- keep pushing.

Listen To All In by StealthR Below:

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Keith Cullen
Thrive Global

LA Based Irish Singer/Songwriter. Founding artist at @Steereo. Passionate about health & wellness.