The Art of Defining Your Own Success: A Millennial’s Guide to Crafting a Multidimensional Path to True Fulfillment


Intro: A Millennial Dilemma

If you’re like most people in your 20s & 30s, you’re probably grappling with the true meaning of success.

I’ve been there — chasing money, status, fame, job titles, likes, followership, and external validation. Over the years, I’ve reflected and change my definition of success many times. Recently after joining fatherhood for the first time, it inspired me to revisit the definition of success. The joy I’ve found in raising my son has made me reevaluate my priorities and what truly counts as “successful.”

What Does Success Even Mean?

Before we dive into the key part of this topic, let’s challenge our pre-existing beliefs about success.

Most of us inherit definitions of success from our families, societies, and cultures that focus mainly on wealth, status, and external achievements.

I truly believe real success is about having the freedom and option to focus your energy, time, and resources on what matters most to you and life the life you truly want — which includes the people, things, and experiences you value most.

Success is more than just money

Inspired by Robin Sharma, a leadership development & personal mastery expert, I’ve looked at my life through an 8 Areas of Success framework. Let’s broaden the definition of success across eight different areas. Each area offers a facet of life that contributes to a richer, fuller experience. These are:

  • Inner: Finding inner peace and emotional well-being.
  • Physical: Prioritizing health and vitality.
  • Family: Fostering quality relationships and love.
  • Career: Aiming for professional growth and meaningful contributions.
  • Economic: Achieving financial freedom and security.
  • Community & Friends: Engaging in your community and fostering lasting friendships.
  • Adventure: Embracing new & fun experiences and personal growth.
  • Impact: Making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Self-Discovery: The Real ‘Why’

The first step toward aligning with these eight areas is introspection. Here’s a step-by-step guide for you:

  1. Pick a Quiet Spot: Find a quiet space free from distractions. Be in silence with yourself.
  2. Grab a Notebook: A physical notebook is ideal, as writing by hand can offer a deeper connection to your thoughts. Mind-muscle connection.
  3. List the 8 Areas of Success: Write down each of the eight dimensions and leave ample space below each one.
  4. Reflect on Each Area: Ask yourself what success looks like in each of these areas for you 1 year from now, 3 years, 5 years from now. Be as specific as possible.
  5. Question the ‘Why’: Under each definition, write down why that particular aspect is essential for you — be very personal. Why?

By going through these steps, you will discover what matters most to you, stripped of societal definitions and expectations.

The Introspection Hack: A Thought Experiment

I’ve seen many friends go on trips taking photos and videos every moment just to post on social media to get likes and comments from others — I always wonder do they actually want to be in that place. Or are they there just to “show off”?

Imagine a world where you couldn’t tell anyone about your accomplishments. Without societal judgments or praise, what would you strive for? This helps you peel off the layers of external validation and unearth what truly resonates with your inner self.

Why It Matters: Living Your Best Life

By adopting a multidimensional definition of success, you can break out of societal norms & limitations and you set yourself up for a life that is enriching on multiple fronts. From sharing unforgettable moments with family to uplifting your community, you’re crafting a unique, fulfilling journey — a journey that’s yours for life.

Call-to-Action: Your Turn!

It’s now your turn to redefine what success means to you. Reflect on the eight areas of success and start aligning your goals to your true self. Share your insights or ‘wins’ in redefining success. Take the time to explore what each dimension means for you personally, and understand why it holds importance in your life.


Until next time, here’s to navigating adult life like a pro and cultivating a life that genuinely fulfills you. Thank you for joining me on this journey of redefining success. Here’s to living a life that truly resonates with who you are!

Rybo Chen is an ICF certified coach with a unique background in corporate and personal transformation. He focuses on empowering the next generation of leaders. Having worked with diverse young professionals around the globe, his mission is to guide you to reach new heights, live happily, unleash potential, and build a life of purpose and joy. Embark on this journey with Rybo and discover how to build your wealthy future, uniquely designed by you.

Read more of his writing at



Rybo Chen | ICF Certified Professional Coach

Leadership & Life Coach on a mission to help young professionals create meaningful lives.