How to Easily Overcome Your Commitment Phobia

Apparently I have a commitment phobia. Or something like that…

Danielle E. Owen
Thrive Global


Cure Your Commitment Phobia

Are you wondering “Do I have a commitment phobia?

It’s not just a fear of commitment.

So apparently I have a commitment phobia. Or something like that…

Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you a tale of deep soul searching and discovery. Or about a tearful, life-changing intervention from loved ones.

Nope. Today I was punched in the face with my commitment phobia after stumbling across an article online.

In the article, John M. Grohol the founder and CEO of Psych Central, discusses relationship anxiety and commitment phobia as a serious “problem” many people face. See, I can’t even call it a problem without the quotes. That seems like a bad sign…

“While you won’t find ‘commitment phobia’ in any diagnostic manual, it is a very real experience of anxiety and fear,” writes Grohol.

Well, right..

I’m a digital nomad. I work from my computer and travel constantly. Committing to a flight when it’s more than a day or two away is terrifying to me. So much can change in…



Danielle E. Owen
Thrive Global

Full-time traveler, travel writer, happiness advocate, and lover of life | 80+ countries | 5+ years | 6 continents