The Millennial Mompreneur

A Tribute To The Dynamic Balance of Mom-Life and Work-Life.

Leslie M. Bosserman
Thrive Global
6 min readMay 5, 2017


As I prepare to meet my second baby boy in just a few short weeks, these words have never felt so resonant and powerful. It’s a message that I’ve been craving to share to let you know that you are seen, valued, and respected.

So here’s my tribute to all the Millennial Mompreneurs who are creating BIG THINGS and rocking it (or maybe just rocking their babies to sleep so they can rest, too!). You are my tribe and I know how hard you work to make it work!

So this goes out to you, Mama, for your courage to follow your passion, your commitment to your family and your craft, and your character that you’re shaping daily and modeling for your children so they, too, will become engaged, mindful citizens who will make a difference in our world!

I see you there, Mama, three cups of coffee deep into your morning already at 8:02am. You may have been up for a few hours already, but you still effortlessly put sliced grapes in your toddler’s lunch box, while returning a text to the nanny as you wipe spit up off your shoulder from this morning’s feeding session with your littlest one. In less than 30 minutes, you’ll be in your SUV, driving to drop off the kiddos before you’re en route to your co-working space for a few hours of kid-free productivity *CUE EXHALE*

Now if only you could find your other shoe and cell phone…

As a busy Mompreneur, your life is full, blessed, and complex. Click To Tweet

Most days feel like a chaotic dance between self-created work deadlines and endless piles of dishes and laundry. Yet through all this sweet madness, you’ve created a “work life dynamic” that may never feel completely balanced, but you make it work (well, on most days at least!).

Some days you may rock your pencil skirt (with or without the belly band!) and heels, while most times, your yoga pants and “mom hair” proclaim your independence from public judgment. You’ve learned that your appearance is more than a persona you put on and want your kids to see both sides of your life — personal and professional — to know that it’s possible to be an engaged parent and feel called to create something original.

You work because you feel called to…and let’s be honest, the sense of fulfillment, purpose, and paycheck also help! While you have many outstanding clients that you’re proud to serve, your most important people sit in high chairs and Bumbo seats where Cheerio art and baby giggles become your favorite currency.

These are the precious, priceless moments that remind you that you work to live, not the other… Click To Tweet

Sometimes, it might even feel easy — a word that has been completely redefined since you produced and sustained life. Yes, you MADE LIFE HAPPEN and created the most amazing thing just by giving birth to your precious babes. So whatever else you create now in your work is really just an awesome bonus!

Then come the hard days, the bad days, and the downright crappy days…when you realize that this word has taken on a much more literal meaning since entering the throws of motherhood! Yet you’ve accepted these less-than-glamourous moments as a fact of life, and appreciate the small wins where coffee is hot and kids don’t fight you to go down for a nap.

Your “new normal” has adjusted your expectations (and maybe even your waistline) to accept that life does not need to be perfect to be wonderful. By learning to appreciate the messy bits, you’ve allowed more ease and flow into your world.

Or maybe your life feels more frenzied and free-flowing, fitting in client projects during the wee-hours of the morning or extra-long surprise naps that now feel like bonus time. With each changing season of childhood, you’re adjusting to what works for your work, while extending grace, patience, and compassion to yourself for the emotional stretch marks that inevitably appear in your life and won’t go away, reminding you that you are changed because you are now “Mom.”

You may have found your weekly tempo where you’ve blocked off a few precious hours on your calendar for everything from marketing strategy to park play dates with other members of your Mom-Village. This routine gives your life more order and at least the semblance of control that your former pre-Mom-self craved and your current-self laughs at with the bold reality-check that motherhood often is!

No matter what kind of Mompreneur you are or will become, one thing remains central and shared among our tribe: Your ultimate goal is raising these precious blessings with the hope that they, too, will one day find something they love to produce and contribute to the world in a positive way.

So you expose them to all that they could be and more — creating limitless possibility through curiosity and modeling the way through your own work and life. Each day and moment produces endless choice — how to react, discipline, love, forgive, and grow. And these choices are what ultimately shape our behavior patterns and overall character as mothers and people.

Stay strong, Mama, and know that you are seen, valued, and respected. Click To Tweet

When the days are long and the years feel short…

When the messes outnumber the quiet moments…

When you feel like you’re living in fast-forward and slow motion at the same time…

When all you can do is take a deep breath and force a smile…

Keep going. You’ve got this. We’ve got you.

Who you are is so much bigger than all the functional tasks that make up your day.

What you do is necessary and important.

Know and believe that this is enough. And smile!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Leslie Bosserman, M.Ed., CPCC

Executive Coach + Lifestyle Strategist for Millennial Leaders + Managers

Originally published at on May 1, 2017.



Leslie M. Bosserman
Thrive Global

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