Top 3 Secrets To Build A Successful Brand Online in 2019

Sabah Ali
Thrive Global
Published in
4 min readDec 12, 2018

Whether you are an online entrepreneur seeking to build out your personal brand or the owner of a business, you have heard the phrase “build your brand”.

Nowadays, it’s fairly easy to start an online company and make some income as a side hustle. However, a lot of people are investing their blood, sweat, and tears in creating a steady income full time online.

There is one major factor people bypass when they are starting or scaling their business.

That one thing is: Building a brand.

Anyone can make a quick buck online, but what happens when you run out of people to sell to? No one seems to listen to what you are saying? Or the economy crashes?

Businesses that are built around brands survive the fires that are thrown their way because they built a loyal fan base that follows them no matter what.

Analyze any BIG business in the market.

Amazon, Nike, Apple, Microsoft… They are successful today and continue to be because people know them for their brand messaging and what they are about.

Any major influencer in the industry is thriving because of the brand they have built.

The Gary Vaynerchuk, Tony Robbins, Tai Lopez’s of the world continue to grow their businesses and fan base because of their brand.

So, the golden question is…

How in the world do you build a successful brand in 2019?

Building a brand isn’t as hard as you may, these top 3 secrets will help you skyrocket your brand for the upcoming new year.

Secret #1

Sharing Your Story

People buy from people, they don’t buy the product.

The reason why customers become loyal to brands is because they create a connection with the messaging that the business has.

Influencers and celebrities share their story through the products they create or the music they put out.

When building a personal brand, the audience needs to have a direct association to a past or current experience the influencer was in. Thus, creating a relatable experience which further affirms a reason to follow a brand or person.

Now you may be thinking…

“But, I don’t have a story!”

Everyone has a story, look back at your journey and see the transitional and pivotal moments you took in order to get to where you are at today.

Use those past experiences, put them into context, and share it with your audience.

Secret #2

Your Networks

No one has built an empire on their own. It’s all about collaborating with others in order to succeed in building a business and brand.

Who you surround yourself with is important, but what is more significant is how you utilize the relationships you build to get to the next level.

Adding value to close knit connections always is good karma.

When you are an expert in your industry and are seeking new clients or customers, a good majority of your sales will come from others knowing all about you and what you do.

Just how word of mouth works in the real world, same goes in the online space.

Genuine relationships last a lifetime, work on how you can collaborate with people within your industry and watch your brand get exposed to larger audiences.

Secret #3

Consistent Content

If you aren’t putting out daily content, your competitor is and they are stealing your audience away from you.

When your audience is online, they are consuming content from different platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

These online platforms do not create content on their own, they rely on brands, people, and business to distribute content to their users.

Therefore, as you are building a business, your audience needs to constantly see your content on their feeds. The more content they see from you, the longer your brand will stick in their mind.

Building a loyal audience with your brand is all psychology based. Once people see your content a certain amount of times, it subconsciously registers in their mind with who you are and what you do.

Soon, the content you post will be a direct connect and association to your brand from the audience’s mind, referring to brand association.

Remember, quality over quantity of content always wins the race. Don’t spam your audience!

BONUS Secret #4

Media Features

If you are already doing the above steps to build your brand and are wanting to build it faster, a great way to do that is by getting featured on different publications.

When you are on live TV, written publications, podcast shows, or speaking on stages, people automatically think you are a big deal.

You are seen as a credible figure because we see major celebrities on TV, thus we register in our mind that anyone on big publications are someone we should be following.

A great way to start getting featured is going on smaller podcast shows and then working your way up. Leveraging smaller features to get onto bigger ones is how people start growing a lot faster.

Pro Tip: Always have a press release kit ready to send out to publications when you are building a personal or business brand. There will be many times where opportunities will pass you by in being featured on platforms or the offer to speak on stages. Therefore, having a bundle of resources ready to share will set you above the rest.

With these top 3 secrets (and bonus secret #4) you will be on the road to successfully build a unforgettable brand with a loyal audience.

Remember, building a brand is the number one thing you need to focus on if you want to have a long term business.



Sabah Ali
Thrive Global

Branding & Storytelling Strategist | Best Selling Author | TEDx Speaker | Founder of Unforgettable by Sabah |