“Using Music to Help People Has Been More Dream-like Than Living Out My Rockstar Dreams” With Wesley Geer of Korn

Yitzi Weiner
Thrive Global
Published in
9 min readMar 14, 2018


I had the pleasure to interview Wes Geer former Korn guitarist and rockstar. He shares how he got crushed by the music lifestyle. But in his unexpected return to music it becomes his greatest healer. He wouldn’t change a thing about his past, but he is sure glad everything changed 180 degrees. Life using music to help people has been more dream-like than living out his rockstar dreams.

What is your “backstory”?

I was a good kid who struggled a bit in school, smart had friends, but the whole process was really hard to buy into. Felt a bit like an outsider. Starting playing guitar, and soon after smoking lots of weed, which got me kicked out of high school. I had moments of doing well, but truly lost for direction, other than wanting to be a recording artist. Finally landed a good corporate job after multiple bouts of being homeless, jobless, and lots of heavy drinking of course. I did well, eight years of corporate, moving up the ladder with barely a high school diploma, all the while pursuing my dream, the record deal. Finally it landed as my newest band became a massive success on the local scene, with me at the helm, and fully loaded non-stop. The deal with Jive Records (Tribe Called Quest, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears…



Yitzi Weiner
Thrive Global

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator