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What A Young Injured Boy Taught Me About Mastering Change

Andrea Cadelli
Thrive Global
6 min readJan 3, 2018


“You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone’s soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows that they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift.” ~Erin Morgenstern, Author of The Night Circus

I’m always amazed at the lessons life teaches us, often in the most unexpected ways. Recently, an injured young boy taught me a lesson about how we successfully master change.

I had an upcoming speaking engagement to talk about the power of stories and how you can make an impact with your message through storytelling. I was nervous.

Not about the speech I was going to give. But by that ominous tickle in the back of my throat that was a sign of worst things to come.

My speech was a couple of days away. I had come down with a bad cold, and I was worried that I might be too sick to present.

My head and body ached and my throat felt like sandpaper every time I swallowed. In a panic, I rushed to my doctor’s office the next morning to make sure I didn’t have the flu.

While I was sitting in the waiting room, a family walked in with a young boy who looked about seven years old. The kid was tall and skinny with blond hair and the most…



Andrea Cadelli
Thrive Global

Communication Coach on a mission to turn purpose-driven leaders into powerful influencers who inspire change and influence results.