What Is Your Aura and How Do You See It

Leslie McDonald
Thrive Global
Published in
9 min readMar 5, 2019

Have you ever heard someone say you have a beautiful aura? Did you cringe when you thought about someone seeing a part of you that you couldn’t see or didn’t understand? Well your aura is real and it’s time to understand what is your aura and how do you see it! With aura photography, now it’s possible to see your own aura.

What is Your Aura?

Your aura is the energy field that surrounds the body. Each layer of your aura has it’s own energetic frequency and it is constantly changing based on your emotional and mental energy.

Just like the chakra system, it is important to cleanse your aura and keep it balanced and free from stagnant energy. Energy that isn’t moving is what holds you back, makes you feel run down, and gives you the feeling of swimming through jello, or walking through mud — working hard to get somewhere but having it feel like a constant struggle or work.

I personally cleanse my aura daily with sage and palo santo. I pick up on other peoples energy very easily and living in NYC there is a lot of high vibrational energy and just as much lower vibrational energy that can get stuck on you.

How Do You See The Aura

The aura is seen in an array of colors, all with its own meaning to guide the individual further on their spiritual, personal and business life path.

Some people have the gift of being able to see an individuals energetic field. They can see specific colors that surround someone, or they can see flashing/glowing lights, or grey spots where the energy is stuck.

You can also have your aura photo taken with a special camera at a specific location. You place your hands down on sensors that can pick up on your energy and show it in an array of colors

Want to try and see your own aura? Place your hand in front of your face and stare at it long enough until your eyes start to relax and your hand begins to blur. Notice any colors that begin to present themselves. The colors and lights that you see when your hand is no longer in focus is your aura!

How To Understand The Meaning of An Aura Photo

The aura photo can be read as past, present and future energy presenting itself in your energetic field. Looking at your aura photo, the bottom left of the photo is your past energy, the top is your present energy and the bottom right of the photo is your future energy. Energy flows from right to left, flowing in through the future, being felt in the present moment and leaves out the left side.

What Do The Colors Of Your Aura Mean?

Everyone’s aura is different. And your aura is constantly changing. The past, present and future energy can be seen in different colors and there are many ways to interpret the colors of your aura. The colors represent your spiritual, emotional and physical health and can guide you on personal self care and wellness to clear your aura like reiki, meditation, sound baths and yoga. If you are able to see or know someone else’s aura, you can learn a lot about an individual without them telling you anything. It may be why you feel connected to some people versus others — you are picking up on their energy!


This is the color of the root chakra and represents feeling safe and secure in your relationships, career and finances. Red color on your aura photo represent your power and attraction to adventure and excitement. If red is dark or murky, you may be holding on to fear, or to people/work that no longer serves you. You might be tired or over-worked and may need to practice self care.


This is the color of the third-eye and the source of intuition. It represents an individual who is creative and original in their work and sense of purpose. They are truly an individual and pioneer in the work that they do! Magenta color represents a strong sense of trusting the self and being strong willed in their passion and purpose. These individuals love their freedom and are not usually effected by the words of others.


This is the color of the sacral chakra, the source of energy and joy within the body. Individuals with an orange aura value friendship and relationships and worry about others sometimes more than themselves. They enjoy working with others and make friends with other people easily.


The color of the throat chakra it is our greatest source of communication. A blue color in the aura can represent a very emotional and expressive individual and rely on their feelings to guide them through each situation.


The color of the heart chakra and personal healing. Individuals with a green aura love others unconditionally and love giving and making others happy. They are naturally born healers. A green aura represents wanting to serve others but can also be representative of jealousy or envy if it is a darker color.


This is the color of the solar plexus chakra and is the place where we digest everything we experience in our life. It is our source of happiness and self. It is the color of our self-esteem and personal power and a bright yellow shows great joy and wanting to make others happy with our own generosity.


A pink color in the aura is someone who is positive and radiant. They love to love and make others feel very comfortable with their presence. They can always find the positive in every situation.


The color of the crown chakra, these individuals have a wonderful and strong connection to the source of their power. They have a great sense of self and want to do something bigger and larger with the time they are given on this Earth. These people are empaths and feel the energy of others. They vibrate at a very high level and know how to manifest their greatest desires. They are open-minded and connect very easily to others. These individuals know when people are being honest.


These individuals are amazing communicators. They can speak their mind and help to influence others. They are natural multi-taskers and feel bored focusing on one project. These individuals have big goals, and many of them and are born to lead.


This person is absolutely free from all health, mental and spiritual issues. They are completely open to the spiritual world and connected to a higher source. These individuals see the good in everything.

What Color Is My Aura?

I get my aura photo taken every 6–12 months. I like being able to see how my energy changes through out the year/seasonally. It helps me assess how the work I’m doing serves me, how the people in my life effect me, and how my self care rituals are helping me relax, find my purpose and calm my mind and body! Here are a few examples of my aura photo from the past 3 years!

*please note that theses photos have not been edited in any way and are truly represent the color of my aura.

December 2016

*this is right when I quit my corporate job.


Feeling grounded and secure in finances and career. Since this is in the past, you won’t feel so secure in the future until you find your purpose and career path.


Very communicative and open to your emotions and sharing with others (present). Have a gift for helping others heal because you’re a great listener and people truly trust you.


You are following your heart and be guided to follow your passion for your next venture (future). Listen to your heart and do what makes you feel good. You are open to receiving.

February 2017

June 2017


You are feeling lost in your sense of self and what fuels you (past).


Present & Future: you have a connection to the energy of the Earth and you should start trusting your instincts when it comes to business and personal goals. You are manifesting your greatest desires. Darker color shows a need to meditate and rest so you can listen and hear what Spirit has to say to you.

June 2018


Sensitive and open to new opportunities and a new schedule. Darker color shows you aren’t sleeping well at night and you need to take care of yourself and rest!


Your heart is open and you are ready to receive. Mental energy is peaceful and you have a lot of new ideas and are ready for a new adventure. The darker color shows a lack of focus and you are constantly changing your mind.


You care for others, especially family and friends. Your internal energy shows that you are busy and responsible. People trust you and always seek out your help.

February 2019


Sensitive to others around you and have a sense of being creative and a big imagination. A lot of the blue energy is in the past representing being tired, but productive having worked hard the previous week.


Very open, peaceful (present) and practiced self care by taking time for yourself to rest and recharge.


This darker energy is around your shoulders which represents being concerned about something in your life that you are extremely passionate about. You are motivated but unsettled in your mind.


The future is productive and positive and you are mentally open to healing yourself and helping others heal.

*yes, this one looks almost identical to the aura photo from February 2017!

Digital Aura Photos

My friend and very special energy healer, Casey, has the gift of seeing auras. She has not only painted my aura but has done a digital aura photo based on a selfie I sent her. She can read your aura as well so I highly suggest checking her out and purchasing your own aura photo. Now you don’t have to search for a place that does aura photos in your area! The descriptions of the colors below come directly from Casey’s interpretation and her own connection to Spirit.

April 2018


You truly believe in pure happiness and wish everyone can find their ‘inner peace and joy’. You are a leader that helps others find peace, joy and happiness within themselves. Remember when you walk into a room that people can literally see the light around youYou have THE LIGHT on you.


You have the aura of someone that is here to make a difference in others lives. Spiritual pink means spirit is with you, around you and near you. When things happen on a ‘spiritual level’ you don’t second guess yourself or the spirits. You are a believer and spirits message is “thank you for believing in us, we believe in you….. we are happy to see that YOU BELIEVE.. in yourself. And all things.”


This means you have found true happiness within your life and your purpose on Earth.

Light Orange

You love everything about learning + being creative with what you have learned. You are very creative within your career and it definitely shows in your aura.


You are open to new, new and new! You enjoy your traditional events with your family, however, for you life is joyful when the ‘ideas’ + ‘scene + ‘conversations’ + ‘get togethers’ change up!

March 2019

Dark Blue

You are connecting with yourself and with others on a very deep level. You hold an “open book” aura meaning others naturally open up to you and express themselves as they feel really comfortable with you.

Dark Pink

The need for a strong love is showing up in your energy. This energy means you are wanting to work on giving yourself more self love and attention, or you are seeking love and attention from someone else in your life


You are a hard worker that believes in “working hard for the things you want”. You will be able to mark this “goal” off of your bucket list soon! Whats next?!

Originally published at www.balancedlife-leslie.com on March 5, 2019.



Leslie McDonald
Thrive Global

Holistic Health Coach, Reiki Practitioner and co-author Rooted With Love Seasonal Healing eBook.