What Reminds Me to Have Faith

(Instead of Fear)

Heidi Hill
Thrive Global
2 min readMay 1, 2018


It is almost that time of year to clean the attic again. A chore I do in the spring. Last year when I was sorting through the contents of my aunt’s wicker sewing basket, a thin piece of paper fell out and fluttered to the floor like a leaf. I picked it up and read these words:

Faith is stronger

than fear.

So substitute

faith for fear and

see what happens.

The words wowed me.

I took a big, pink thumbtack and posted those wise words on the bulletin board by my writing desk.

Earlier this week, I had a day filled with doubt and the doubt got so big that it turned to irrational fear. I made myself go sit at my desk and read from my little saying. I whispered the words over and over under my breath like a mantra until I came to a place where I could say to myself, I am ok.

The word “faith” can have religious connections, but for me it is similar to the now common use of the word “believe.” We can choose to have faith and believe in our true selves, full of love and light, or we can choose darkness and fear. We need to remember that we have the choice. The piece of paper caught in the light on my bulletin board serves as my reminder. My reminder to have faith.

Who or what do you forget to have faith in?

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Originally published on my blog at www.everydayessays.com.



Heidi Hill
Thrive Global

I write to connect to a wise, soulful place, and to share what I’ve learned with you. Visit my blog at: www.everydayessays.com .