Will You Stand Up?

Reflections serve to remind us of what we’ve learned —
and wait for us to heal. We wait until we’re ready for love.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Reflections serve to remind us of what we’ve learned —
and wait for us to heal. We wait until we’re ready.

We wait until we feel worthy of healing.

We are always worthy. We just have to decide it’s time.

It is time.

Welcome. Where shall we go?

What do you need to remember to heal? What calls to you?
Cries for you, to remember? To send love? To heal?

Who needs to heal?
Who hurt you?

Do you promise to be here for yourself?
Will you stand up? Will you decide?

Will you choose your value?

Will you accept your freedom?

Will you allow yourself to learn love?

Will you love yourself as your own mother —not your mother,
the unconditional mother — the one you need to be for yourself —
as yourself, with love love love.

Just love.

No pictures, no stories. No thoughts…
Reflection steals from the present to nourish the past.
Healing happens now.

Healing happens when we are here.

Love happens when we are here.

Love. Pure L O V E. Here.

Let’s let love in.
Let’s see what happens next.

I stand.
I love.
I heal.

I stand for love.

