You Don’t Have to Fail to Succeed.

Tiffany Kelly
Thrive Global


Today marks the second year anniversary of RoundTable Global and as I sit back and take stock of what we have created and achieved in just two years I am overwhelmed by how effortless it has all been. Don’t get me wrong, we have worked our socks off and sometimes not known what will happen next but our mindset has always been in a place of limitless possibility and that life doesn’t have to be hard.

As a start up business we never expected to make a loss in the first year or that we would have to borrow money or resources. We didn’t assume that we would make lots of mistakes before we got the formula right and there was absolutely no part of us that believed that our success would come out of our failures. So none of this happened.

Our beliefs are that life can be enjoyable and effortless and if you do what you love doing and are passionate about, you will not only find your bliss but other people will be attracted in to experience this energy also.

We also never believed that contributing to the environment and society had to be a ‘bolt-on’ strategy while focusing on commercial success. Instead we created an entire business model around the change that we want to see in the world. We have Three Global Goals of Educational Innovation, Empowerment for All and Environmental Rejuvenation and now not only do we fund huge amounts of philanthropic activity towards these through our profits but those profits are generated through commercial activities that also deliver our ambitions towards the goals.

As our programmes, reputation and geographical focus grew we didn’t follow traditional business models and take on employees, instead we sought out inspiring and unique individual contributors who work on a contract basis at the same time as finding and following their own bliss. These creative talented individuals are passionate and focused and we encourage them to teach us and learn from us. Nothing we do is copyrighted or protected, we welcome other people using our ideas. It keeps us innovative and fresh.

When we developed the Three Global Goals we knew that we needed more support and an expanded eco-system so we created our Global Change Ambassadors, leaders, influencers and activists who are passionate about what we are doing and volunteer their time to help us do it.

We have never had a conventional strategy or business plan, instead we have used our intuition and limitless mindset to guide us into an ever evolving, organic paradigm where our desire to be an exciting, inspiring, responsible business that is a hub for global change is at the fore front of everything that we do.

By completely disregarding traditional business advice and lessons from entrepreneurs that create belief systems around failure and mistakes, we have managed to create a healthy, successful organisation that is truly making a difference in the world and I am immensely proud of what we have achieved.

To the RoundTable Global team, contributors and supports, I thank you and salute you. We would not be who or where we are without you all.



Tiffany Kelly
Thrive Global

Tiffany is a Founding Partner of RoundTable Global where she is focusing full time on her desire to create empowerment and balance in the world.