You Never Know Where The Road Will Take You…

Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2017

or who you will meet on your path. The hard part for some is actually getting on the road. I’m not afraid of the road; I play on the road!

Throughout my life I have always been surprised at where I have ended up. Not having a “life plan” from an early age helped me so much. As I wrote in an earlier post I had no idea what I was going to be when I grew up. In fact, my career now didn’t exist at the time so that wasn’t even a possibility. What I did know was that I would always be ok. That was a gift that I always treasured.

I have taken chances personally and professionally in my life because I wanted to see where they would lead me. That scares the hell out of some people, but not me. I have learned lessons from missed opportunities that I don’t want to repeat. Some of my experiences worked out and some didn’t but I never had regrets and it always made for a fun and unique trip. My trip!

Even as I write this, I know that there may be spelling or grammatical mistakes, incomplete thoughts or ideas that could be worked out a little more but …. I don’t care. My first draft is my end result and it is honest and authentically me.

The coolest place my road has taken me to lately is the project that I am working on at present. I have never thought about doing a project like this. It just popped into my head one day and I ran with it. That is how a lot of things come to me and I am a curious enough person that I usually take some time out to see where it leads me. This time I was led to writing a series of children’s books. No clue why??? I don’t have kids. In fact there are no kids in my family. I have never written a book and had no desire to before this. Luckily I do have a great imagination which has in the past, helped me to connect with kids. One day I just saw something that inspired me and I started writing. There is more to this story but that will be saved for the future book launch/tour.

Image courtesy of Unsplash

The reason for this story is just to make people think. Are you doing what you dream of doing? Are you constantly saying No to things that you should say YES to and vice versa?

Put yourself out there, show off the gifts that are inside you. If you don’t know what those gifts are, meditate. It is a great way to turn off the world and re-acquaint yourself with your true self.

Since I began meditating a few years ago, I have become much more creative and solutions to problems come with a snap of my fingers. I see things very differently and things that were not even on my radar become very clear.

I hope this post helps anyone who feels stuck in life.Walk out your door,head down the road and spend some quiet, uninterrupted with yourself. You’ll be amazed at what life will tell you if you are wise enough to listen

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Thrive Global

Sometimes things just happen( like my new title). Who knew? Author of my debut book, “Lulu, Are You Going to Sleep All Day?” due out in 2018.