4 Ways to Create Customer Loyalty with Packaging Inserts

While digital marketing tends to trump traditional methods in today’s technological world, it’s good to go back to basics when it comes to customers’ deliveries.

Thrive Marketing
3 min readJan 11, 2019


Ever received a small thank you note or free sample amongst the products you’ve just bought online? Packaging inserts are used by businesses as a token of appreciation, a little something to make their customers feel special.

You’re probably thinking, “Why would I bother to pay for inserts if the customer has already made a purchase?”. Well, they can be used for much more than just a simple ‘thank you’.

You can cross-sell other products and drive more sales, knowing the person will see it when they open their delivery. Packaging inserts are low cost and a tangible reminder which the customer can keep. In fact, a study found that over 75% of 18–24 year-olds look forward to finding out what’s in their daily post, making inserts a great alternative to try alongside your digital marketing efforts.

Types of Packaging Inserts


Pop a small discount in a customer’s delivery to encourage them to make another purchase in the near future. Once you’ve set up a discount, you can track it to see how effective it is.

Try segmenting discounts by the life cycle of your customer too. If someone is a high-value customer, reward their loyalty with a big discount such as 25% off, whereas if someone has made their first purchase try something like ‘free delivery with your next order’.

Personal Notes

Don’t have the budget to design an insert and get it printed? Then write one yourself!

A handwritten note is a great personal touch and will help to develop a strong relationship between brand and customer. They also will be likely to share their experience on social media or through word of mouth to show how great you are with your customers.

Social Shares

Speaking of social media, you can actually use inserts to invite your customers to share pictures of their goodies with you. You can remind them to tag your business in the post and use a branded hashtag as this will make it easier to find your customers’ pictures.

You could also throw a competition in which the best customer photo will win a special prize or gift voucher every month — it’ll give everyone an incentive to share your amazing products with you and their followers!


If someone is a returning customer, you can try adding a small sample of a new or existing product for them to try. If they like it, they may add it to their order next time which will essentially increase your average order value.

Remember it’s always easier to retain an existing customer than it is to attract a new one!

Find more like this via Content Marketing.

Originally published at www.thriveability.co.uk.



Thrive Marketing

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