6 Things Gary Vaynerchuk Can Teach Us About Business

Since seeing him at a conference last year, Gary Vaynerchuk has become somewhat of an inspiration to Thrive’s MDs, Rachel and Johnny, so we thought we should share what we’ve learnt from him with you…

Thrive Marketing
4 min readDec 7, 2018


Gary Vaynerchuk — who shortens his own name to Gary Vee, for ease — is listed on Wikipedia as an entrepreneur, investor, author, public speaker, and internet personality. That’s quite a list, but it’s true that he has undertaken many talents.

Gary’s story starts with his father’s wine store, Wine Library, which he took over control of in 2006. To publicise the store he started a daily internet webcast on wine (great topic!).

His webcast, Wine Library TV, was uber famous and ultimately allowed him to follow his real passion — social media.

In 2009 he set up his own social media brand consultancy agency, VaynerMedia and now travels the world as a speaker, has a number of books published and is seen as a huge thought leader on the subject of all things social.

This year his agency has now been named as one of AdAge’s A-List agencies (#2) and also provides social media and strategy services to some of the biggest companies out there, including PepsiCo, Budweiser and Hasbro [source].

On Twitter, Gary has 1.12m followers and hosts #AskGaryVee on YouTube (he has 60k+ subscribers) on all things to do with social media, business and online marketing.

So, why do we love him? Let’s break it down…

1. He keeps it real

You only have to watch any one of his video uploads on his YouTube channels, to know that Gary keeps things to the point and doesn’t hold back.

Watch his ‘Monday Morning Motivation’ upload, below, from February 2015 and you’ll know about just how real he is (Warning: Includes adult language).

How you can keep it real… We don’t suggest that as the MD of an accountancy firm you upload similar videos, but be honest and stick to your brand.

If your company is quite formal and has a typical persona then stick to it. Ensure your employees also stick to this brand personality too.

2. Video is his forte and he knows it

Gary says it himself when discussing podcasts [#AskGaryVee Episode 74: Podcasts, Sick Days, & Viral Videos, below], that video his is forte, it is his thing and he does it well (60k YouTube subscribers back that up as well).

If you have a specialist skill then play to it, don’t focus on those things that are weaknesses or lesser capabilities. Shout out about your strengths and use them to your advantage!

3. He dared to go after what he l

When he took over his father’s business he turned the advertising side into something he was passionate about — video. Ultimately, he got the opportunity to live his dream and go after the career he most desired.

We aren’t saying that you should up sticks and take such a huge risk — unless that is actually a fairly sensible option when weighing up the pros and cons — but don’t be afraid to do what you’ve always wanted. Don’t become stagnant in the mundane everyday routine, focus on what is worthwhile for you and your business.

4. He shares his opinions, making himself a thought leader

Gary doesn’t hide behind the company name or weakens his opinions by using the argument, ‘Company A says this, so I’m saying it too’. He has his own opinions and voices them. He is rational with his approach in vocalising them and always explains his opinions in his #AskGaryVee video clips, but he still speaks his mind.

Whether you adopt a video marketing, blogging or social media marketing approach, use it to voice your opinions and knowledge, not just rehashing or sharing the opinions’ of others.

Allowing potential clients and current customers to see you as a thought leader can instantly improve your online reputation.

5. Consistency is crucial

He is not Gary with many hats, he is Gary with one hat — one that encompasses everything that his company stands for and the ethos that they bring to their clients’ tables.

Watch his videos, visit his and VaynerMedia’s respective websites and study him on social media. There aren’t any gimmicks or slip-ups in his identity and brand.

Be consistent, don’t just try something because it’s there. Put strategic processes behind every action you make.

6. Surround yourself with the right people

Gary loves the Jets, but he also loves his team at work, which he explains in #AskGaryVee Episode 51: Jacks of All Trades, Hiring, & SEO Rankings, below.

Don’t put yourself in a working environment that you don’t enjoy and don’t sit back and let other people do the work. Find the balance with the people around you every day, whether they are above you, below you or your actual peers in the workplace.

Gary happily admits in the video below he would sell his company for the New York Jets… but he also confesses that he would have to take his team with him too.

If you work with people you like or who share your ethos, it makes the day a whole lot easier!


Gary is the MD of a hugely successful marketing agency, but his attitude and processes can be implemented by other companies, just on a smaller scale.

Don’t be afraid to look to other businesses and business leaders for inspiration that allows you to make your company a better, more efficient place to both, do business with and work at.

Visit VaynerMedia’s official website and don’t forget to subscribe to Gary’s brilliant videos on his official YouTube channel.

Originally published at www.thriveability.co.uk.



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