6 Ways To Successfully Pitch An Idea To Your Boss

Pitching a new concept for budget spends, hiring techniques or marketing methods is daunting. We’ve all been there when you really want to get some time aside with the boss and just hash out everything you think should be done differently.

Thrive Marketing
3 min readNov 30, 2018


However, let’s just pause there for a moment. Rome wasn’t built in a day, y’know! Take a step back and think of all the reasons your boss is going to give you either an outright “no” to your speech or not have the time to listen to it in the first place.

Use those reasons to your advantage and produce a pitch that your boss will engage with (how do they like information presented and what do they respond best to…?).

We have six tips to help make pitching less stressful and to give your boss a good impression of you and your idea — yay!

1. Research is key

If you haven’t done enough industry-relevant research on your idea it will come through in your pitch and will, ultimately, put your boss off the idea.

If you go to them with a plan and all of the knowledge, statistics and, of course, juicy benefits, you could possibly have on your idea that will also shine through during your pitch.

2. Be more enthusiastic

When pitching an idea your end goal is for your boss to be confident in not only the idea but your abilities. Show genuine enthusiasm and give your boss that much-needed confidence boost in both you and your prospective idea.

3. Get your timing right

Try to avoid pitching to your boss when something major is happening in the company, like a tight deadline, a difficult client is causing issues or, quite simply, your boss is seemingly disengaged — hey, it happens!

Ensuring that the timing of your proposal is right, is crucial to giving you an improved chance of success. Choosing the wrong time will make it less likely that he/she will properly take on board everything that you’re saying, because of other stresses or distractions.

4. Use great content and images

People respond better to things that are “nice to look at”, so don’t be afraid to make your presentation pop.

Your boss is a busy person and they will have things to do every hour of the day, so make your presentation as quickly as you can without cutting out any of the important stuff.

Don’t write a seven-page speech or a 47 slide PowerPoint presentation that has a white background throughout and is written in standard size 14 Times New Roman font. Just don’t. You’re not helping anybody feel motivated!

Try writing your content as if it was already happening to your company. For instance, discuss the fact that your proposed new Sales Manager is already implemented at Smith’s Lemonade — what benefits is the company already experiencing? Putting your boss into the idea can only help to provide a better mental image!

5. Tell them why you are pitching this idea

It’s important to explain why this idea is good but you should really hone in on how this idea will actually help in measurable terms. How will sales be improved? What measurable impact will this have on your current productivity levels? Which goals will be reached, achieved and exceeded?

Your boss will want to know how this idea benefits the business, in real terms, so show them how (and be as precise as possible)!

6. Be ready to defend

Your boss might have a few qualms about an idea. Be ready to defend the idea not get defensive, or worse yet, offensive.

Explain rationally why you strongly believe in the idea, with the figures that will back the idea up.

Still a ‘thumbs down’ from your boss? Have a positive rebuttal so your boss can see your strong beliefs but politely thank him/her for their time and consideration. Ask for guidance and explanations as to why your pitch didn’t go as you hoped and what your personal presentation skills were like — this can all only help in the future!

Speak with Thrive about organising a free chat with us at our offices, or over Skype, to find out more about the strategic side of marketing and increasing productivity! Email hello@thriveability.co.uk to arrange, with no obligation!

Originally published at www.thriveability.co.uk.



Thrive Marketing

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