7 Things About Email Marketing That Your Boss Wants To Know

How many days have you spent wishing your boss would understand what you are trying to do?

Thrive Marketing
3 min readNov 24, 2018


It can be difficult to get feedback and support from your boss if they’re not sure about what you’re doing — and what is expected of your efforts.

With that goal in mind, here are seven things that will make your boss love email marketing as much as you do…

1. Metrics

How do metrics help you to improve your email campaigns? That’s what your boss wants to know… We know that metrics are the best tool when it comes to running successful email campaigns, but it’s our job to know that. It’s time to explain why we all love email metrics and how you use your metrics to ensure you are constantly improving your email campaigns.

2. Database

Why are you segmenting your database? You need to explain why you don’t send one email to your whole database, and why it is more effective to segment your database by persona, age, purchase history, etc… When your boss understands why you do it the way you do they will be more inclined to get on board.

3. Leads

Do email campaigns generate leads? Your boss is thinking about ROI and if you’re not generating leads with your marketing efforts then your boss is not going to happy.

But you know that email marketing can generate leads and ROI, so show them some statistics that prove that email marketing generates leads and ROI.

4. Mobile friendly emails

Why do emails need to be mobile-friendly? Well considering 25% of emails are opened on iPhones (Email Client Market Share) if your email doesn’t show up correctly on a phone then you are already missing out on a large part of your audience, and nobody wants that!

5. How much is too much?

Your boss wants to be reassured that you are not either not doing enough of, or overdoing, something like email campaigns if you do not create enough email campaigns you are not getting the business out there and seen. Equally, if you send too many you’re going to start getting on people’s nerves and that is not good for the business.

So, explain how many emails you are planning to send and why you have chosen that number, try and get some related statistics that show why you are sending X amount of emails.

6. Subject lines

What makes a great subject line? Explain to your boss why the subject line is one of the most important parts of creating great email campaigns.

Get your point across by showing examples of both great email subject lines and poor email subject lines.

7. Unsubscribes and Bounces

How do you keep the Unsubscribe and Bounces rates low? It’s a difficult question but your boss is going to want an answer.

If they do not understand what Bounces are, explain them properly. Unsubscribe rates will stay low if you are segmenting your database and not sending emails out to everyone all the time.

In summary, explain that if you have a database of genuine people who are interested or have been interested in your products or services then they are unlikely to unsubscribe if you send them an email with an amazing subject line from time to time.

Now you can relax knowing that you and your boss can be on the same page when it comes to your email marketing campaigns…!

Find more like this via Email Marketing.

Originally published at www.thriveability.co.uk.



Thrive Marketing

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