How Facebook’s Algorithms are Impacting Your Organic Post Reach

Thrive Marketing
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2018

Over the years, businesses with Facebook pages have noticed a downturn in the number of people who will view and interact with their organic posts.

For those of you who use Facebook Advertising, you will know that your adverts are given a relevancy score.

Well, Facebook’s Algorithm gives every single post that could enter your News Feeds its own relevancy score. They determine the relevancy score on how likely each individual is to engage with, like, share or hide that specific post.

Once the algorithm has created a relevancy score for each post, it will place them with your highest relevancy score post at the top of your News Feed.

So, when you log into Facebook, the post at the very top of your News Feed is the post that the Facebook algorithm thinks you are most likely to engage with.

User Preferences

The algorithm developed in 2015 to give posts from Facebook friends a higher relevancy score than that of posts from Facebook pages.

However, to give each user the chance to determine what they see on their News Feed, Facebook created the ‘News Feed Preferences’ tab which gives each user the chance to choose posts from particular people and pages that they would like to see.

Change your own ‘News Feed Preferences’ by clicking the downward facing arrow in the top right-hand corner of your screen. In the drop-down box, you will see the ‘News Feed Preferences’ option.

Click the ‘Prioritise who to see first’ option and choose which friends and pages you would like to prioritise.

Post Engagement

The Facebook algorithm also monitors things very specific to you to help build your News Feed. For instance, it can track how long you spend on every post you click on and if you spend more time on a particular post the algorithm will pick that up and is more likely to show that post on your on your friend’s News Feed.

A 2015 survey Facebook conducted of their users, found that many people didn’t necessarily like a video post even if they engaged with it and enjoyed it.

So, they developed the algorithm to detect other forms of engagement with the video post that would show if you were interested in it, like turning on the audio, switching to full-screen mode, or enabling high definition.

What next?

This a highly complex subject and hopefully this blog has given you a better idea of what the Facebook algorithm does how it is impacting your Facebook business page.

To discuss the content of this blog or how we can support your business, get in touch with our team today, via

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