How to Manage Your Marketing for the Year Ahead

As a marketing manager or, even as just a marketing assistant, you have responsibilities and day-to-day duties.

Thrive Marketing
2 min readDec 3, 2018


We know that this means there can be times when things get neglected or you simply ‘run out of time’ to complete objectives. These objectives are typically crucial for grown and promotion opportunities.

5 Ways to Better Manage Your Marketing

1. Manage Your Time Effectively

How many of us are guilty of pushing something back or forgetting to do something rather important because we simply don’t have the time? Probably more than you think!

Managing your time can be easy and simple, try blocking time out of your calendar to complete tasks, answer your emails and messages, or meet with a client or colleague. This way you will feel less overwhelmed and more organised.

2. Ask Yourself the Hard Questions

Do you really sit down, look at your stats and see if you are delivering what you can?

If not, it might be time to sit and ask yourself the tough questions that may help you give your marketing efforts the refresh they need.

3. Embrace New Ideas/Technology

This kind of relates to the last idea, are you really thinking out of the box and trying new and exciting methods with your marketing? If you are “old-school”, then the idea of embracing modern forms of marketing and technology may be daunting, but it could really help grow your business and help generate leads and sales.

4. Be a Mentor

Are you really being a mentor? Are you helping your team to grow and encouraging them to progress?

Be the type of manager you would want as your own and be that manager for your team.

5. Achieve Your Goals

Many of us set realistic goals for ourselves and our team, but how many of us actively think about our goals and what plans and targets will help us reach it.

Successful marketing managers (and marketing assistants, for that matter) ensure that they help the whole team to reach their goals.

What’s next?

Over the next few weeks make time to adapt your current diary and put in more time for the little jobs (or big ones) that you’ve been putting off, as well as better organising your day.

Are there new methods that you have been hoping to put in place, but not had the time? Why not block in some time to review these methods and technologies as well as review your current marketing plan. How did your plan work and how has the company grown?

Find more like this via Marketing Strategy.

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Thrive Marketing

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