Turn Good Email Copy into Great Email Copy

Thrive Marketing
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2018

Businesses that have adopted email marketing, will notice that after a while, it seems a struggle to think of new, engaging and relevant content — it’s a daunting task, almost!

With the average office worker receiving 112 emails per day (source) you need to make your reader click through by using actionable language.

Here are some examples:

  • “Take your co-workers to the 2019 seminar”
  • “Purchase your tickets for our networking event”.

Readers are now used to receiving personalised emails with their name in the subject line, but if you segment your database you can personalise your emails by sending people emails that are relevant to them personally.

Here are some examples from the point of view of an Estate Agent:

  • “Looking to rent in Newcastle? Take a look at these amazing properties”
  • “Trying to sell? Read our 10 top tips on making your home ready to sell”

Make sure your subject line is relevant to your email content, there is no point creating a captivating email subject that promises your reader something they will not get when they open your email.

Email Content

Now that you have connected with your reader through your subject line you need to continue to personalise your email content as much as possible.

Always write in the second person, this will really help to focus your content and your whole email on the reader, not on your business.

Keep your readers engaged by avoiding waffling throughout your email, stick to the clear message you want to get across.

Don’t focus your content on an offer or deal, this will not give the reader an understanding of why the offer is worth it. You need to explain the benefits of your product, service or event before you mention an offer to help your reader understand the worth.

Giving your content personality does not make it unprofessional, many big brands inject personality into their marketing and you should too. It will help the reader to connect with your business.


You used actionable content to get the reader to open your email, so you will have to use actionable content to get them to click your call-to-action too.

When the goal of your email is to get the reader to click the call-to-action, you need to remember that when you are creating your email design and writing your content.

Make sure that your call-to-action is the most noticeable element of your email, by making it bolder and bigger. A small, dull looking button at the bottom of your email that says “Click here” is not going to get as many clicks as a large, bright button that says “Get it now!”.

Now you know the simple, but effective ways to turn that good content into great content you can go and create amazing emails that get even better open and click-through rates!

If you want to know more about the topics in this blog, feel free to arrange a chat with our team. The kettle is always on, so email hello@thriveability.co.uk and we’ll be happy to arrange a get-together!

Originally published at www.thriveability.co.uk.



Thrive Marketing
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