What Content Should I Be Sharing on My Personal LinkedIn?

As a business professional, it’s important that employees at a managerial level think about building their personal presence on LinkedIn — but what content should you share?

Thrive Marketing
2 min readJan 10, 2020


Whether you’re marketing, sales, operational, HR or another managerial professional, it’s absolutely crucial that you build a positive online reputation.

You can do this by ensuring your profile is set up correctly and includes the following:

  • A professional headshot
  • A concise bio
  • Your up-to-date career history and current job title
  • A strong, wide-ranging network of connections

However it goes further than completing your profile to 100% you should be seen to be proactive, engaged member of your LinkedIn community.

To do this you should post a range of updates, regularly, including these four content types:

Company news and updates

Has your company’s press release been picked up by the press? Share it!

It’s important that you are seen to be proactively part of your company’s success stories and engaged in the company’s ‘goings-on’ that you’re ensuring good news reaches far and wide.

Off-the-cuff updates

Are you at a networking event or has someone in the office been gifted some birthday cake? Share it!

Typically, updates like these go down better than more scripted posts, such as press release updates and formal organisational announcements. They come across as natural and are easier for people to comment and be conversational with you about, even if it’s “Happy birthday!” or “Come along to our Stand at the exhibition!”.

Industry news

Are there big updates in your industry, such as changes to procedure or policy? Share it!

Whatever the news, if it’s relevant to your business and its customers, you should be engaging your network with it! Whether it’s a major change to policy and law, or a new piece of technology or software, or one of the ‘big players’ in your field has made an announcement, they’re all worthy of a LinkedIn post! Keep it fresh, and not just a rehash of the original article, by adding your personal comment or business’ spin on the update.

Company publications and media

Have you had a recent corporate video produced or a blog post published? Share it!

If your company gets new headshots, or a corporate video, share a sneak peek and entice your network to visit your site for the latest. Similarly, if you, or a team member, produces a blog post on your company site (or on external sites, for that matter) share these updates too. Blog content and other media that your company publishes are great ways of showcasing your organisation’s thought leadership and should be shared far and wide!

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