Why It’s Important to Get Your Employees on Board With Your Brand Identity

If you’re at the helm of an organisation that is particularly passionate about building a team-centric approach, it’s important to ensure your brand is being communicated accurately internally, as well as externally.

Thrive Marketing
3 min readDec 27, 2018


To do this, you should first make sure that all new employees are on-boarded and preferably introduced to the brand story, as well as handed general documents and supporting materials, such as a company handbook and/or brand guidelines.

You should also keep employees engaged and involve them in brand-related decisions. For instance, offering the incentive of an organisation-wide incentive of donating to a charity of their choice helps to build trust and inspires them to be proud of, and engaged with, your brand.

Why does it matter to you? You want to build a team-centric presence on social media and in your overall plans for marketing the organisation. They need to be portraying your company appropriately in their professional social media efforts and your marketers need to understand the importance of the brand when they produce content.

Don’t know where to start? Get your external design agency in, or ask your internal designers, to share the brand story, its ethos and why it’s crucial to stay “on brand”.

How to avoid a brand identity crisis

1. Roll out corporate documents

A company handbook and brand guidelines are staples of most companies’ onboarding process. If they’re not in yours, or they’re outdated, review them urgently.

2. Engage your employees’ opinions on the company brand

What does your brand mean to employees? How do they see the company’s marketing approach? What would they like to change? Whether these are discussions to be had in a group, 1–2–1 or with management only is up to you. But it’s imperative as it helps your organisation grow, stay fresh and keep your team engaged.

3. Produce a communications strategy and guidelines

If your company is encouraging any employees to ‘spread the word’ about your work and who you are, it’s important everyone is agreed on your brand voice, how you engage readers and what your company sees as measurable objectives. Planning a communication strategy with your marketing team and rolling out this and accompanying guidelines is key to ensure you always have something to support you if communication goes awry.

The key takeaway? Encourage and enthuse everyone in your team to shout about your organisation and to be proud to work for your company. Never deter them from their enthusiasm. But ensure they do it in a way that makes the company proud and adds to your offering, rather than detracts.

Naturally, companies evolve and your marketing approach may be right for your audience, but your brand isn’t. In this case, we recommend a brand refresh or a new look at your company’s brand guidelines.

Originally published at www.thriveability.co.uk.



Thrive Marketing

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