Thrive Now! Newsletter

Mon 26 October

Annie Huang
Thrive Now!
Oct 26, 2020


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Hi everyone,

Thank you for being part of the Thrive Now! community. I hope you’re having a great start to the week.

My old laptop died suddenly half way through last week. I lost quite a few of my draft pieces, so I didn’t publish much.

Below is what I did publish. I wrote about the underrated power of accountability and how I’ve used it to bridge the gap between knowledge and action, 4 decision-making strategies for the indecisive, and my laptop!

Support is Great, but Accountability is Even More Powerful

Indecisive? You’re Not Alone.

My Computer Died Last Night, and I’m Trying to Stay Calm

Enjoy and have a wonderful week!





Annie Huang
Thrive Now!

Recovering perfectionist. Refugee lawyer-turned-life coach.Embarking on her greatest adventure yet as a mum. |