Tech, Health, and Urban Innovation

Stephen Knight
2 min readAug 5, 2016


An important aspect of urban innovation is the idea of multiple different fields working together in order to make technological advancements in our society. For example, tech and energy sectors can work to develop cleaner cities, or food and tech can create a healthier lifestyle for large groups of people.

One of the most important links is between the tech industry and the health industry, because recent developments in these fields have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and save peoples’ lives. A recent article ( analyzed the relationship between these two fields, particularly focusing on the interaction between physicians and the tech professionals that develop their products.

Physician engagement- doctors actively participating in health IT product design and implementation processes. Physicians don’t have to code, but they do need to collaborate with those who do. If software developers and installers are given a view inside a physician’s day and physician workflow in the hospital, they should be able to translate those insights into features and functions embedded in the products they design and deploy.

By collaborating with the physicians themselves, the tech innovators and entrepreneurs are able to ascertain what exactly the hospitals need to function in the best way possible.

Today’s healthcare industry has a unique opportunity to leverage advanced technology to completely transform the way that care is delivered. Physicians must have a seat at the table when it comes to selecting and customizing the software they’re obliged to use every day.

Physicians may not have the ability to invent their own software, but they can collaborate with innovators that can. This provides a real opportunity for both industries to work together, creating a more cooperative and efficient system. This is just one example of how urban innovation is shaping cities, and it will be interesting to see how other industries connect with one another in the future.

