
A.S. Reisfield
Earth Love
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2024


Photo by Ezequiel Junoe on Unsplash

“Tonight’s salon owes to the labors and favors of bees,” Saffron announces her entry.

We don’t romanticize, rather, we recognize, or rather, we lionize the signal-rich yet blatant direct dances of honeybees.

Asistentes get set, and go,” Saffron sets the occasion in motion.

Scent samples of miel tinctures and cire d’abeille de Francia products are already passing around, “heady nectareous heavy and sweet showing glowingly mellow like soft subdued heat is this waxy warm genuinely natural conceit like the wagging and circling dances of bees, in phases these layers lay out a buttery basis neath a smooth oily handful of fine herbal powder and straw bales and strawberries for a grassy impression of fumes that are slightly funky and lightly smoky meaning they exude volatile molecules that summon the senses and fire reminiscences of offerings smoldering in censers coated with resins that are notably nipping like the evangelizing vapors this extract is emitting, presumably it’s phenylacetic acid transmitting the flirting visiting serving of felinity, or let’s say, it makes a display of something like caramelized sugar and urine-soaked berry-fruit glazes with olive-oil-soap-like traces, or let’s say, it’s a spray of perfume fixed into a pair of unwashed leather pants? — after wearing by an unwashed woman? — ja-ja, but with respect, this aroma reflects sex — or let’s say, the effusing bouquet is evoking the feeling of a tacky scratchy mattress whose filling is infused by a choking cloud of diffusing tobacco exhaust created by the chain-smoking of bidis following multiple uncomfortable turns of intimacy in a hayloft, explicit enough?”


The golden rich solvent extracts of beeswax and honey often correlate with the bees’ sources of floral nectar, be they lavender locust mesquite mint or citrus, sunflower aster huisache sage or eucalyptus. (In the matter of distinct varietals, it is nearly unbelievable how they’re clearly perceivable by accomplished perceivers, by those devotees of diverseness who severally treasure the creamy or liquid or comby or chunky elixirs from Nature.)

“Elixir, from the Arabic al iksir which is from the Greek kseron meaning medication.”

(Snipped here are ten minutes of aimless discourse, leading to my becoming exercised):

I haven’t intended to make mention in this session, that honeybee symbolism deals with oppression, that it leans politically leftward, given the tireless gathering by bees of nectar stores to benefit the collective and all.

“The Fragrance Industry is not moved by the plummeting state and fate of biodiversity.”

The more brazenly phytophobic among the dealers and make-believers in perfumery maintain that there is no such thing as natural, that the state of Nature doesn’t exist.

“The neomanic ambitions of technophilic estheticians of organic chemistry, who are anticipating opportunities to realize their mission, to give material Life a makeover, to materialize their vision.”

