Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

We set up everyone to work from home in 2 hours and it will never be the same as before

Luca Agostini
THRON tech blog


At THRON, we develop the SaaS of the same name that falls within the DAM category; the whole infrastructure has been in the AWS cloud for almost 10 years now and the development is located in Italy, in the province of Padua, an area that is in the midst of one of the first red zones for the COVID-19 emergency. This scenario touched us from the beginning and, before others (both states and companies), we adapted and enabled to work during the expansion of the pandemic, now on a global scale.

The headquarter in Padua is the main center of development as well as many other departments, and we had always worked on site. This does not mean that we had never considered remote work, but it was granted only for specific cases and for people with high seniority: in such cases, we arranged for 2 or 3 days a week in remote working, and the remaining days on-site.

Although being indispensable for those people who adopted it in our company, remote working had never been the privileged method of work. Sometimes it had also been the cause of misunderstandings or unnecessary stress, like when a single member worked remotely and all the others were physically in the headquarter. Just think of a meeting in…

