Goal 8: Are we granted equal opportunity for decent work and economic success?

Kathleen Leite
Through A Magnifying Glass
3 min readMar 1, 2021

When considering a place where decent work is not easily granted, we can imagine it to be exactly like the world we live in today. Throughout the country alone, several big cities suffer from an increasing rate of homelessness. There is not much availability to decent work without basic education which can be financially impossible for many people. This creates an economic downgrade and a split in classes.

In this blog I will be discussing the issues surrounding decent work and economic growth within the country and how to develop a plan to reach reduce these issues.

I will be proving insight to a world full of unemployment and the misuse of civilians. Especially surrounding issues rising today creating tensions across the globe which lead to these issues only becoming worse. From unequal wage pay to the stripping of family dependent jobs, many people may find these issues discussed to affect their lives currently.

I am personally interested in this topic because of the concept of how easily the government can take away someone’s life dependencies. Especially with what is happening with the COVID-19 spread, many people have lost their jobs are at extreme all time lows financially. However, this topic also connects to my life because of the efforts to find decent work. Both my parents immigrated to this country in search of a better life and while they both have their American citizenships now, they are unable to move up because of their lack of education. “Decent work” can mean different things for every family, but the access to achieving more is very limited without any education which can be deemed unfair. While I am lucky to be the first generation student in my family, many other families struggle with the boundaries between immigration that does not allow for them to get any decent work and forces them to rely on the government for money. The entire country is already billions of dollars in debt and I question if things were different from the start, would the nation be at a different place now. Understanding this from my personal perspective, I feel it is important to describe this goal to create change and bring awareness to those that might not think about these struggles since they do not go through it in their daily lives. In will benefit those struggling financially to support their families from a lack of career opportunity as well as inform the higher class of what is going on behind the scenes to increase awareness.

Some important questions I have about this topic include:

  1. Why does the nation enforce education when it is not financially accessible to everyone, instead of demonstrating the hidden ways to make money without it?
  2. Where does all the money provided by the government come from? Why not create more positions in the work force and have people work for money instead of it being handed to them?
  3. Who does this issue begin with and are people willing to make change?



Kathleen Leite
Through A Magnifying Glass

Finding solutions to the world, one step at a time