#2 I Can Be China’s Hero (Memoir)

Maeve MacNaughton
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2018

It’s hard to be a hero when there’s no one to tell you how to do it.

Growing up, I always enjoyed watching movies. My favorites included “Tomorrowland” (still a favorite), “Wall-E” (also still a favorite), and “Mulan” (guess what? Still a favorite). I especially loved Disney princess movies. I didn’t want to admit it, but I always loved seeing a princess that looked or acted like me. It was incredibly important to me that I could relate to the characters I looked up to. Sometimes, it was hard to find a princess that I really truly related to, and when I saw “Mulan” for the first time, it was like fireworks had gone off in my head. All I could think was, “She did it! She saved them!”. I was so excited for her because I knew that now, she would definitely be loved by her family, right? More importantly, I was excited because in a little corner of my mind, I began to think that maybe I could be like her someday.

When we’re kids, it is so, so necessary that we have good role models. The people we look up to shape us without us even realizing. Young people need someone older to which they can turn. Our youth is such a turbulent and volatile chapter in our lives and we need to be able to know that what we’re going through is normal. Having someone to idolize makes this chapter of life just a little bit easier. The person you look up to can provide advice, a shoulder, and most importantly, a goal to reach. We all want to be like our idols. For me, one of my idols was Mulan. I loved how she was willing to sacrifice so much for her father. I loved how she cut her hair short and still looked good (I ended up doing that a couple of years ago, without the looking good part). Most importantly, I loved how she taught me that it was possible for me to do great things. Magnificent things. Amazing, sensational, unimaginable things. Did Mulan grow up knowing she would someday save her country? No, but here we are. I don’t think I’ll end up saving my country but I know that because of Mulan, I am capable of much more than I ever thought possible. It’s crucial that other people (young people) recognize their true capabilities, too.

For me, Mulan provided a means to dream. She opened so many possibilities in my head. Before I discovered Mulan, I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. I still don’t have any idea but whatever my future holds, I will be ready and waiting. I will greet whatever comes with open arms because I know that I can face anything. Thank you, Mulan, for helping me believe in myself and my strength. Thank you for giving me the courage to stand up. I couldn’t have done it without you.

