Not All Pantsers “Just Write”

Arianna Golden
Through the Eye of the Prism
6 min readMay 1, 2020


I had an epiphany today: I am a pantser. Most pantsers you hear about write without an outline, without previous character development, without worldbuilding. Most pansters discover their characters, their story’s world, as they write their stories. Since I do a lot of worldbuilding and character development before I even have any idea of what the story is, and I do a lot of imaginary-holographic-video rehearsals of scenes to learn about my characters and my world before I write anything, I’d always considered myself a plotter/planner (they’re the ones who make outlines and everything).

I’ve been experiencing “writer’s block” for lack of better term, for the past year? two years? Not sure exactly when it started… I haven’t been writing consistently in a long long time.

Here’s the backstory for my epiphany:

I was having an imaginary conversation with my imaginary future spouse about my submissiveness and relationship expectations because a novel I’d been reading had a moment of conflict where one character had assumed “officially together” meant “officially exclusive and together.”

Personally, I need the stability of exclusivity in a sexual relationship. I don’t have an issue with polyamory, but if I am involved with multiple partners it needs to be a closed triad or a closed quad.



Arianna Golden
Through the Eye of the Prism

She/Her. Chatelaine. Writer. Dreamer. Bioengineer. Designer. Witch. #ActuallyAutistic