Living the True Self

finding peace in a contradictory world

Mong-ju Jung
Through The Light


no matter how your true values contradict with the world’s,
you know from the deepest of your heart your peace lies
with being who you are.

it is not a fight between standards, which one wins over which,
but one about acceptance, accepting and loving your neighbor,
not to mention yourself.

we know our values are capable of this, and
we believe we have the power to live on it,
to live as who we truly are.

it is ok to pride in yourself, not because of
what you did, or what you are capable of,
but simply because of who you already are.

no truth can be won unless you are truthful to yourself.
be who you are and rightly be so, and remember,
when you finally do stand, you will be more than willing to reach others,
to see for yourself the wonders you can make.

you do possess the power that you miss the most.
it will become evident when you truly find yourself.

have faith in your goodness, and enjoy the wonders
that life presents you with.

you will soon find that love has in fact been lying
far closer than once had thought to be.

good luck, and may God bless your way.



Mong-ju Jung
Through The Light

marvelled at the way we, and everything around us are designed...