#29: Build a Holographic Voxel Game with Voxatron

Through the Looking Glass
2 min readAug 23, 2019

Whoever said playtime was over clearly couldn’t build their own games.

Voxatron is a fantasy console and collection of games built entirely out of voxels. Voxels are like volumetric pixels that the creator of Voxatron, Joseph White, describes as “little colorful cubes, kind of”. You can play games pre-loaded in Voxatron, play others’ games in its universe of BBS Carts, or make a game yourself to add to the collection.

And guess what? Voxatron is in the Looking Glass.

In fact, Voxatron and the Looking Glass are a match made in heaven.
There are so many carts to choose from.

If you have a Looking Glass connected to your computer and you run Voxatron, it automatically starts running in the Looking Glass. It works and looks so perfectly that you might find yourself wondering if Voxatron was just meant to be a holographic console.

You can check out my tutorial on how to make your own Voxatron game for the Looking Glass here.

*this is part of our “100 Days of Holograms” series, where we from Looking Glass Factory post one new wonderful or weird (or both!) use for the Looking Glass holographic display each day.



Through the Looking Glass

Developer Experience Engineer @ Looking Glass by day/ game designer & musician by nite