Fashion AI: Proposing a better Shopping Experience

In this deep dive, we uncover how AI will turn the often tiring task of shopping into a tailored adventure in style and efficiency. We’re not just talking about a futuristic concept; we’re on the brink of a transformative reality where AI merges seamlessly with your tastes and needs to optimize every buying decision.

Michael Franz
Through Thinking
7 min readNov 23, 2023


Image created by AI (DALL·E), via OpenAI

Confronting the Cluttered Closet of Conventional Fashion Retail

Retail Reality Check: The conventional fashion shopping experience is increasingly bothering. I find the current state of fashion retail — both online and offline — to be a colossal mismatch with the needs of prime customers like myself. This is where my concept of Fashion AI enters the picture — not as a futuristic fantasy, but as a necessary evolution in how we shop for fashion.

Revolutionizing Retail: Picture a shopping scenario where sifting through clothes is not a dreaded chore but an efficient, custom-tailored experience that respects your time and mirrors your style. Fashion AI is a vision born out of my frustration of navigating endless aisles and confusing web pages and realizing that AI could offer us a gratifying shopping experience.

Fashion Forward with AI: In this article, I invite you to explore how Fashion AI can transform the tedious task of fashion shopping for you into a streamlined, personalized journey. Fashion AI is more than a merger of technology and fashion; it’s a synergy that could redefine how we express ourselves through fashion. Let’s dive into what Fashion AI is, why it’s essential, and how close we are to making it an everyday reality.

The Issue: the Dysfunctional Fashion Shopping Landscape

The Cost of Conventional Shopping — a counterproductive ordeal: When I examine the current fashion shopping process, it’s more than just frustrating and time-consuming; it’s an ordeal. For prime customers whose time equates to money this isn’t just inconvenient; it’s counterproductive. It feels almost like a betrayal, where every minute and every decision expended in pursuit of fashion erodes our core productivity.

Navigational Nightmares — offline and online hassles: The entire process, whether offline or online, is fraught with confusion, inefficiencies, and bad prices. Offline, you spend precious time traveling to stores, searching for assistance, and trying on items, often in crowded, stressful environments. Online, the challenge shifts to navigating a sea of poorly designed websites and an overwhelming area of products, only to grapple with the uncertainty of whether you’re making the right purchase.

Decision Fatigue — The Hidden Toll on Prime Customers: For performers and busy individuals, shopping for fashion deals with endless choices and micro-decisions, leading to what psychologists term ‘decision fatigue.’ This phenomenon isn’t trivial. It’s the same reason why industry icons like Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs chose to simplify their wardrobes, reducing daily decision-making and preserving mental energy.

Repelling prime customers — the industries overlooked dysfunction: Prime customers are increasingly opting out, not due to a lack of desire to purchase but because the buying process of fashion itself is overwhelmingly burdensome. I see this reflected not just in my own experience but also in those of my wife, clients, and peers. We want to buy fashion, and we have the purchasing power, but the current buying process repels us.

My Vision of Fashion AI: Tailored Insight Redefines Shopping

An AI That Knows You Inside Out: Imagine a Fashion AI that doesn’t just know your size down to a 3D scan of your body but is intimately familiar with your wardrobe and shopping history. This AI wouldn’t just be a virtual stylist but a comprehensive fashion connoisseur with an intricate understanding of your style and personal preferences.

Combined with full market knowledge: However, the Fashion AI does not only understand you but knows the entire fashion market. Think of it as a sophisticated Google crawler, but for fashion — one that knows every website, every product, the exact cut and shape of each piece, every niche brand, the nuances of fabric quality, the Ts&Cs, the manufacturing practices, and the latest trends. This AI matches the best offerings to your personality, style, and brand.

It is a game changer: Imagine the possibilities. You have a keynote in the United States next week and need an outfit that makes a statement. Or perhaps you’re planning a skiing trip to the Swiss Alps and want the perfect ensemble. With Fashion AI, you communicate your needs, and it curates the best options for you. It is finding deals that offer true value for money. In essence, Fashion AI is more than a tool; it’s a personal fashion advisor equipped with the capabilities to make shopping a streamlined journey of discovery, not a time-consuming and confusing chore.

Time: Process Efficiency, Seamless Discovery and Decision Making

Process Efficiency: The beauty of Fashion AI lies in its ability to handle the complexity of the fashion world effortlessly. As a human, our research bandwidth is inherently limited. We tire quickly of fruitless searching. But a fashion AI scans every facet of the market — every brand, every style, every deal — and tailors these findings to our unique preferences. This AI isn’t just a tool; it’s a time-saving ally, transforming an often frustrating task into a streamlined and satisfying process.

Seamless Discovery: Discovery is where Fashion AI truly shines. Fashion AI is both a compass and a seasoned explorer, revealing uncharted fashion territories. It goes beyond mainstream offerings to spotlight emerging brands and unique styles that resonate with trends and our individual identity. Fashion AI becomes an invaluable curator for those seeking to express themselves through fashion, presenting options that align with personal aesthetics and values.

Easy Decision Making: The bane of shopping, particularly for prime customers, is the overwhelming plethora of choices. Fashion AI simplifies this by analyzing preferences and history to recommend options that align with the user’s style and needs. It’s not about presenting endless options but delivering the right ones, thus reducing decision fatigue. This feature is crucial for everyone whose time is valuable and who wants to focus on what matters.

Money: Economic Efficiency, Pricing Transparency and Value

Ensuring Value for Money: Fashion AI actively seeks the best deals beyond just understanding pricing. It’s not just about finding affordable options; it’s about finding quality at the right price. In an industry often clouded by hefty markups for branding and advertising, Fashion AI serves as a trusted ally to ensure that its users get real value for their money. This AI-driven approach could redefine the traditional price-value equation in fashion, tilting it in favor of the consumer.

Direct Sales and Reduced Advertising Need: Fashion AI leads to a more direct and efficient market, where quality products find their audience without the need for extensive advertising and shops. In this AI-influenced landscape, the value of clothing would be determined by its intrinsic quality and fairness of price rather than marketing prowess. Consumers, guided by AI, will make purchases that align with their authentic style and needs, free from the influence of aggressive marketing tactics.

Future Impact and Innovation in Fashion: I believe the emergence of Fashion AI will stimulate the development of novel fashion technologies and approaches, such as printed clothing and on-demand fashion. As the industry reallocates funds from marketing and physical retail to innovation and personalization, we expect a surge in personalized fashion, fitting clothes perfectly to our bodies to create unique personal brands. This evolution in fashion, driven by AI, will profoundly impact how we express our individuality through fashion.

Making Fashion AI a Reality: Technical Feasibility and Agency

Current Technological Landscape: The foundation for Fashion AI already exists in generative AI, Natural Language Processing, Data Integration and Analysis, and 3D body scanning technology. While the technological foundation is robust, integrating these technologies to create a seamless and user-friendly Fashion AI is challenging. Given the current pace of technological advancement, the development of a Fashion AI service could be closer than many anticipate.

Client-Paid Model for Agency: As a premium client, the agency expectation is a direct, transparent transaction where I pay for the service. This model is akin to subscribing to services like YouTube Prime or employing a personal AI assistant — direct payment establishes a clear client-service provider relationship. In a client-paid model, Fashion AI’s goals align strictly with the client’s desires without the distortion of advertiser influence. It is the only way to guarantee that the AI’s recommendations are unbiased and solely aimed at finding the best possible options for the client.

Ethical and Privacy Considerations: This client-paid model also imposes a high standard of data privacy and ethical responsibility on the service provider. Clients expect their data, especially sensitive information like body scans and personal style preferences, to be treated with the highest confidentiality. This starkly contrasts the commonly used freemium models, where data privacy is often compromised in favor of advertisement revenue. In a client-paid system, data privacy is not just a feature but a fundamental requirement, ensuring the service maintains its trustworthiness.

What is your take on Fashion AI Future?

Fashion’s Future Unfolds: As we conclude this exploration of Fashion AI, it’s clear that we stand on the brink of a revolution, not just in fashion, but in how AI can profoundly enhance our daily lives. Fashion AI isn’t just a tool for shopping; it’s a lifestyle enhancement, a means to reclaim time and mental energy, allowing us to focus on what matters most while freeing us from mundane tasks.

Your Voice in AI Fashion: This vision of Fashion AI isn’t a distant dream. It’s a near-future reality. So, I invite you — whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a fashion aficionado, a developer, or someone who values your time and style — to join this conversation. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the traditional shopping experience? How would a Fashion AI change that for you? How do you envision Fashion AI impacting your life?

