I Want A Man Who Makes Six Figures.

Please Feel Free To Call Me A Gold Digger.

ReNina Sunshine Minter
3 min readSep 25, 2015


All images captured by Kwesi Abbensetts

I was talking to a friend about what she desires in a man and she said:

I would like him to be successful, but I am NOT a gold digger.

Why are Black women so afraid to be considered gold diggers? When did it become taboo to want to be with someone who’s successful? Especially when you’re successful. Why do we have to add disclaimers to our list of desires in a partner?

Do men say I want her to be “pretty” with a nice “body,” but I’m not superficial? No. They’re clear. She needs to be cute in the face and tight in the waist.


All images captured by Kwesi Abbensetts

I make no apologies. When I was seeking love, I was seeking a man who was kind, loving, family oriented,

blah, blah, blah.

I also wanted him to be SUCCESSFUL.

If you’re hunting, I’m gathering. Yes, I know how to hunt and you know how to gather, but I’m attracted to a hunter. If you bring home the bacon, I’ll fry it up in a pan.

Because I was raised to believe that being a provider is one of the roles of a man.

All images captured by Kwesi Abbensetts

I know there’re women who don’t care about their partner’s “success,” how much he makes or what he has. That’s fine. If you want to be the provider and he be the “house husband,” that’s okay. If you want a successful man, though, don’t be ashamed and don’t make any apologies for your preference.

I am attracted to successful men who are financially secure.

All images captured by Kwesi Abbensetts

It’s more about the attraction to a man who’s a provider, than an attraction to the money or the “gold.” There’s something very sexy about knowing that if I’m lucky enough to have a child and need to stop working for a year or two, he’ll be able to provide for the family.

All images captured by Kwesi Abbensetts

So if desiring a provider — a successful man who makes six figures — is being a gold digger, then I guess I’m a gold digger.

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ReNina Sunshine Minter

I am a voice! Educator & Psychotherapist with views on social, political and psychological issues. IG @_sunshine_living_