No Fear

Diana LP
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2018
Image captured by Kwesi Abbensetts

They will try and convince you that you are ugly.

Not because they believe you are ugly but because they fear your breathtaking beauty. They fear they will not be able to contain themselves if it were on full display, like the way a woman walks into a room knowing that her beauty has caused all in the room to cease breathing for a few seconds as they take her in.

They will try and convince you that you are stupid.

Not because they believe you are stupid, but because they are fully aware that your mothers and fathers built the world, and you are in possession of those same genes. They know that if your genes could build pyramids there is no limit to what you can do. And so they fear your dominance.

Image captured by Kwesi Abbensetts

They will try and convince you that you are nothing.

Not because they believe that you are nothing, but because they know that you are closer to the original than they are. And everybody knows that keeping things in their original form keeps them stronger.

They will try and make you as afraid as they are.

But their fear is irrational and based on their own insecurities. It’s not your people who kill what they don’t understand. It’s not your people who reject and deny the value in others. It’s not your people who need to stand on the backs of the enlightened just to reach the table that holds the food of humanity, just to take a sip of art, music, love, and humility.

And sometimes it works for a little while.

Sometimes you will find yourself clutching, locking, moving, separating, mentally admonishing, ignoring the ones who look like you, who possess the same genetic makeup as you because of their fear. You see, their fear slipped into you while you were watching a movie, drinking a latte, having a very upscale conversation with your sophisticated friends. The friends who don’t know that your nickname was “Nae Nae” for most of your life, or that your mother still calls you that. The friends who don’t share your intimate understanding of the word struggle.

That’s how the fear got in.

The fear seeped out of the faces reflected back at you like a cartoon ghost seeps out of a mirror. All those richer, better educated, struggle-less faces you surround yourself with because you want to forget the free lunch truck.

And they will remind you that you are not one of them.

Image captured by Kwesi Abbensetts

But then again, you should be thankful for their fear.

Because their fear will remind you of who you are. Don’t worry. They wont forget, even if you do. When they remind you, don’t waste energy feeling shocked and angry. Be thankful for the reminder, turn away from the false mirror and look back with

No Fear.

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