Ogou Is An Old West African God of War of Mine

adolf alzuphar
Published in
1 min readSep 28, 2018
Ronald Mevs, Three figures

Drums, please.

Ogou, O
Ogou I’ve need
Of you now, O

I’ve need of you now

O, Ogou

I’ve sung lots in the past to you, O.
Though I’ve now

A much different faith,

This is too much to do alone:
There’s a dead child (bis)
Written into my lungs
That I’d like to sing
Ogou Ogou, O

Is it just
Is it right

Is it just
Is it right
That elegance
Steals the spotlight
From night

What I mean is that
the child (bis)
Was shot

Then came the smile
The president
Those shoes

All was then fine
Except for you know
The usual suspects
Who are all in the wrong
Not the man in power

Ogou, O
Who's in the wrong
Who must I point to
Name an enemy
In the name of
Bringing back empathy
In a large enough bag
For all to feel

Ogou, O
Ogou, O

Or have you
Back home?

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