Image created by Kwesi Abbensetts

The Struggle Food Meal Plan

How to Survive BK All Day

Ashley Simpo
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2015


Once upon a time I was a struggling writer in Brooklyn, New York. I was so broke I thought about going back home. But I was focused and deep in my hustle. So I didn’t quit. But I did eat like a stray cat.


Fry two eggs.

That’s it, we’re done. Drink some water and walk away.


Go to a Mexican restaurant.

Order a margarita.

Proceed to drink your problems away.

Ask for chips and salsa.

Pay for the margarita and leave, you’re done.

You could NOT pay for the margarita and just leave, but you will need to get right with Jesus at a later date.

Image created by Kwesi Abbensetts


Eat a damn apple.


Make some ramen noodles. Drain the water. Throw them in a pan with a little oil. Stir it up.

Add an egg. Stir it up.

Look around your kitchen for vegetables. If applicable, add vegetables. Stir it all up.

This is Thai food.

Image created by Kwesi Abbensetts


Buy a 40 oz. Buy some Orange juice. Combine.

Fry two eggs.

Pinky up, feel fancy.

Invite a friend or two, but inform them that it’s BYO-everything.

See if they have some potatoes, though

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