30 and ROCKING!! — 9 Pointers That Make You A Millionaire Young

Abhishek Shah
Published in
4 min readMar 24, 2016

The millionaire dreams are for all. Age is not a bar. Plus, today’s young generation gags for it. There are others who think they will need time to get there. The truth is, if you start now and have a fool proof plan in place, there is no stopping from becoming a millionaire at 30.

Take a look at some of the time tested pointers that will surely work in your favor.


Making Money is the KEY

Just by saving the money that you earn, you can never become a millionaire. What you need is to focus your attention on how you can increase your earnings and make more profits. Once you have found the right path, follow that and there is no stopping you from earning your millions.

Showing off will NOT Help

There is no denying the fact, you would be tempted to buy a flashy car and modern gadgets as soon as your venture kicks off. These temptations will actually block your money. Instead, investing in something that would help you gain more income is what you need to do. You can always indulge yourself later when you have realized your dream.

Saving is for Investing

Go ahead and hoard your savings in a worthwhile investment. It would be a good idea to invest into secure channels where you can be sure of the safety of your money. Pledge not to touch this money, come what may. This will compel you to think of more ways to enhance your earnings and prove to be a propeller to realize your million dollar dream.


Make Money THE Priority

It’s ALL About Money

Unless you prioritize your dream to become a millionaire, making your way to it might not be as easy. Prioritize your goals that enable you to making the first million and then more. This is the only way to ensure that your dream gets realized in time.

Think BIG

Of course, you become a millionaire as soon as you have that first million with you. However, don’t work for the first million. Instead, work to earn the first 10 millions. Focusing on the larger picture and working for it is what will help you mint.

Don’t Fret, Just DECIDE

You waste a lot of mental power, making minuscule decisions. This will not help you in your work life. Go ahead and take decisions quickly. Initially, it would be a good idea to make decisions that can be easily reversed if your plan does not work. With practice, you would soon be able to make effective decisions quickly.

KNOW the Risks

There is a lot of risk involved when you are really working hard to becoming a millionaire. Many a times, your ideas and decisions may backfire and set you back by a few thousands. Before making a decision, analyze the risks involved. However, when it comes to money and investments, there are bound to be a few risks.


MASTER the Art of Connection and Conversation

Your quest to be a millionaire young can come true, only if you have the right long term contacts by your side. For this, what you need is great interpersonal skills. Work to develop these further and try to make long term relationships with the people who really matter.

Get some Help

Remember, if you really want to become a millionaire by the time you turn 30, you can’t do this alone. You would need some support both in your professional and personal life. You would need a team that would help you in all your professional endeavors and share your passion. At home too, you would need the support of people who could put your home and things straight so that you can focus on your work better.

You would also want to educate yourself and learn new skills that could help you in becoming a millionaire quickly. These are some pointers that can actually assist you in realizing your dream of becoming a millionaire by the time you hit 30.



Abhishek Shah

Nomad | Early Stage Investor | Wannabe Anthropologist | Technology Evangelist | Curious, Inquisitive & Experimental Entrepreneur