6 Pointers To Make Pinterest Work For Your Small Business

Abhishek Shah
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2016

There are several small businesses getting bunch of customers through Pinterest. You should, as well. Yes, it’s very much happening, this social media platform has become a giant and has made a great leap to become an awesome marketing tool. It’s high time for the small businesses to get on board with this.

Now before you comment on and write off this post saying, “Pinterest is only for pictures of wedding cakes and kitty parties,” you are absolutely right. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t be used to boost your small business as well. It is good to use social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, but Pinterest is gaining equal exposure from the users world-wide.


In this article, you will find A-Z guide for making Pinterest work for your small businesses — Let’s see how this works.

Add On A Hover Pin It Button To The Pictures You Use

To drive the referral traffic to your website from Pinterest, your posts/blogs images have to make it to the Pinterest. The “On Hover Pin It Button” appears on the images of your blog posts when the user scrolls over them. This button is easy to activate and provides a detailed direction.

Make Sure Your Business ‘Matches’

This tip is for the majority of the small business owners who overlook relevance and as a result there are no fruitful results. Pinterest caters mostly to those looking for room décor, recipes, DIY craft and similar things; if your company is selling power sanders obviously you might not be a good fit here.

Promote More Than Products

It is obvious that any business will post pins only for the products that it sells. Another key is to promote business is to post interesting tit-bit, tips, suggestions, and products relevant to your company. Pinterest users are savvy in sporting a board that is self-serving.

Following The Big Hitters

Another great way to promote, and raise awareness about your business through Pinterest is to start following big shots on Pinterest. This is a proven technique of leading social media platforms. When you follow famous figures they follow you back.

Determine Your Posting Frequency

Pinning excessively on Pinterest may annoy or irritate your audience, and pinning too little lets your audience think that you never exist. Create a posting schedule and gauge the users reaction before increasing or decreasing the frequency of the pins.

Greet Your Commentators

Never let your Pinterest casual style keep you from engaging your customers/audience. Make sure that your social media manager responds to the comments in a timely manner. This will make your audience feel important and caring; it shows that your organization is taking interest in knowing their views.

Pinterest can be beneficial to every business … it is a powerful search to strengthen your online business. The Pinterest offers several amazing opportunities to the brands that have made it big after coming on board.
Have you tried any of the above mentioned tactics? We would love to hear from you.



Abhishek Shah

Nomad | Early Stage Investor | Wannabe Anthropologist | Technology Evangelist | Curious, Inquisitive & Experimental Entrepreneur